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Gargamoom! – a review of the comic book “The Smurfs and the world of emotions. The Smurf Who Felt Rejected, Vol. 10

Not accepting hurts. All of us, young and old. The story of Weak, a smurf who felt rejected, may turn out to be extremely important when talking to the charges. Thanks to the comic Smurfs and the world of emotions. A smurf who felt rejected can better understand the situation of unacceptable people, sometimes – as the co-authors of the volume call them – persecuted.


The Smurfs and the world of emotions

The series about smurf emotions has gained a large audience in Poland. So far, we’ve met many comic book heroes who experienced various emotions: fear , a sense of injustice , exclusion , pain after losing a loved one , as well as those whose lives were characterized by unhealthy habits. In addition, the Smurfs learned patience , truthfulness , others – respect for nature. The reviewed volume raises the problem of rejection in a social group. Child psychologist and psychoanalyst Diane Drory specifies and discusses the problem in detail as “bullying”. I must admit that I was surprised by the use of this word in a comic book for children – it is difficult to understand, rarely appearing in the conversations of the youngest. An attempt to define it using the expressions: lowering self-esteem, lack of respect, indifference, contempt, offending someone is supposed to help understand the mechanisms of the relationship between the characters, which is not necessarily successful. On the one hand, we have an uncomplicated story, equally uncomplicated profiles of the heroes, Osiłka, and Weak, on the other – such words as: persecutor, persecution, contempt, victim. In this situation, it is most reasonable to read a comic book with your charges. It’s not a good idea to leave the little ones alone to read. A parent should, like Papa Smurf, play the role of a therapist, look for ways to solve the situation, discuss them with the charges, make them aware that any problem can be dealt with, overcome fears and difficult emotions, and not just give a comic book.

Simple story

Weak is a kind and helpful smurf, whose life is not easy and pleasant. The hero wants to participate in all the games and activities organized in the smurfs’ village, unfortunately he is neither fast nor strong nor agile, which provokes his friends to make jokes about him. Some of them even call him Gargamimoku (in one of the games he couldn’t catch up with his friends…). The comic deals with rejection, rejection by the group, persecution. The mechanism of the persecutor’s actions is also accurately shown, as well as the emotions and feelings of the victim of persecution. Parents reading with the youngest have the opportunity to make children aware and prepare them for situations related to violence, persecution by others, while people who actually experience bullying can open up to talk about emotions. volumeA smurf who felt rejected should be treated as a key to talking about difficult topics. Admittedly, in my opinion, children will not be able to work through the topic on their own, but they will undoubtedly reflect on certain mechanisms characteristic of the modern world.

About cooperation

The authors of the script are Falzar and Thierry Culliford, Antonello Dalena ( Ernest and Rebeka , WITCH ) is responsible for the art, and Paolo Maddaleni is responsible for colors. The way of conveying the content should appeal to the recipients, the choice of words – as I have already emphasized, is not adapted to the age of each recipient. Nevertheless, I believe that the Smurfs and the World of Emotions series is needed – although perhaps more as a key to the conversation between parents and guardians with children than as an independent reading. To the delight of the fans of the series, I am pleased to inform you that the next volume, entitled The Smurf Who Wasn’t Nice, is in preparation. we are waiting!

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