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Watch the first trailer of the new anime “Onimusha”!

Anime based on a game? No problem! Netflix and Sublimation studio will create an anime series titled Onimusha. Watch the first trailer of this production! Premiere in November!

Are you ready to see the world of Onimusha like never before? If so, you’re lucky! The cult game series returns in a new edition. Netflix has partnered with Sublimation to create an original anime called Onimusha. The series has just released its first trailer!

As seen below, the Onimusha promo brings Musashi Miyamoto to life in 3DCG. The character, who is a familiar face in the Onimusha video games, was based on actor Toshiro Mifune in the series. As for their voices, the character will be voiced by Akio Otsuka, who viewers know from tons of video games like Metal Gear . And of course, they have quite a history in the anime.

After all, Otsuka is probably best known these days for voicing All For One in My Hero Academia . The actor also earned praise for taking over the role of Jigen in Lupine III , and also voices Blackbeard in One Piece . Since 1988, Otsuka’s resume has become incredibly impressive, and now the actor is adding Onimusha to the list.

Who will we hear in the series?

Directed by Shin’ya Sugai and Takashi Miike, Onimusha promises to be exciting! The Netflix anime is set to release on November 2, and we have received the full cast of the series. If you want to know more about the stars of Netflix’s Onimusha , you can read the cast breakdown below:

Remember – the Onimusha anime premieres on November 2!

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