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The same, but not the same – review of the film “The Flash”

In the world of DC Comics, I have always appreciated three characters: Doctor Fate, Nightwing and the Flash – who, like Spider-Man, is a symbol, not a specific character, and his power allows him to interact with time and the multiverse a lot. I also admit that I liked Ezra Miller’s interpretation on average, but after this movie I changed my mind, although I did not forget about his antics!


Flash – a young but brave boy with a heart of gold

The super-speed character has always been the domain of DC Comics, not Marvel. The Flash has had many incarnations, but Barry Allen is perhaps the longest-lived in comic books, even though he is by no means the fastest man alive. Most importantly, this hero, like the previously mentioned Spider-Man, is close to the usual audience. He is simply a man who was endowed with supernatural abilities and experienced a huge loss in his life. We get the same image in the movie.

Director Andres Muschietti was clearly inspired by the Flashpoint comic book released in 2011 , but also had to show some evolution of the main character on the screen. We will learn while watching the film that Barry has been dealing with the harnessing of his extraordinary abilities for a very long time, and also became close to the Justice League, especially the only full-blooded man and his mentor – Bruce Wayne. The issue of his extraordinary super-speed may confuse some viewers, as it is not fully explained, unless Barry I is explaining to his younger version from the alternate world how to perform another trick. Therefore, I encourage you to reach for the comic I reviewed earlier. Of course, you don’t need to read the comic to understand the main plot of the film, but I think the songs complement each other very well. It’s especially worth it because the comic stories are kept in the tone of one of the first scenes in which Barry Allen has to help Gotham’s bat during a great mafia riot.

As for the creation of Ezra Miller, I have no big objections. It is certainly a different Flash than that of Grant Gustin or John Wesley Shipp, however, constructed for our times – neurotic millennials, still bringing a ray of smile in the dark reality of DC Comics. Jokes falling from the mouth of the main character, although not very sublime, can bring a smile to your face.

One big fanservice

I guess each of us was waiting for an amazing flood of cameos, which came out quite skillfully, because they did not destroy the main story, but were only an addition. Most importantly, the story of Zod’s invasion of Earth retained its spirit from Man of Steel .

Returning to the guest appearances, however, both those expected and those whom no one expected or dreamed of, but so far we have not had a chance to see them on either the small or the big screen. While I’m not a huge fan of Michael Keaton, his interpretation of Batman was identical to Burton’s movies, slightly funny, slightly serious, sometimes strange. Keaton’s Batman stole every scene he appeared in. As for other actors, Sasha Calle’s performance as Supergirl is also worth mentioning. While the character ultimately doesn’t add that much, and the main villain is present for almost all of the screen time, Calle’s version of Kara turned out to be a great substitute for the scrawny Superman from the comics.

James Gunn can be really proud of this film. Everything worked as it should to create a good entertainment with a very positive ending, which would not deserve to be beaten by critics. Unfortunately, one thing did not work out for the creators – the effects implemented with the help of CGI. While the external depiction of Flash’s speed in the form of a yellow streak is quite interesting, and at the same time different from the Gustin series, the whole interior of the speed power is terrible. Even cuts in the MCU did not give such an eye-catching effect as the graphics from the seventh generation of consoles.

DC ramping up on screen

The new scarlet speedster movie is really a piece of solid superhero cinema. Claims like “the best superhero movie” are a bit of an exaggeration, but it’s worth noting that there’s something special about this movie. In my opinion, it’s definitely a narrative pace that matches the powers of the main superhero. Despite the few sets and a relatively simple script, the pace is dizzying, like riding on a rollercoaster. I’m glad that such fast twists and dynamic action were focused on, and that peeking into the depths of speedforce was limited (maybe apart from the heart-touching scene with the song Si Tu Supieras Compañero by Rosalía. Noteworthy are also the songs composed for the soundtrack by Benjamin Wallfisch, including the Run theme, whose every note we hear in the most important moments of the film. I suspect that he will become the main theme of The Flash in the upcoming pictures realized under the watchful eye of James Gunn.

The heroes of the Justice League are starting to show an upward trend after this movie and, as it turns out, some of them will stay with us for longer, as evidenced by the post-credits scene. Yes, stay in the cinema longer and enjoy the preview of an accelerating universe! The film is not free from mishaps, but you have to admit that for simple entertainment and a reboot of the universe, the creators did a great job.

We invite you to the movie The Flash at the Cinema City cinema chain !

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