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It’s time for an event! – review of the comic book “War of the Worlds”

For a long time, fans of Marvel comics in Poland have known that an important superhero event is approaching our country. Jason Aaron prepared us for him with his Thor series. Now the War of the Worlds has finally begun!


Final point of resistance

The wizard Malekith is almost done. He has taken over nine of the ten worlds and is just about to conquer the last one – Earth. He is accompanied by a mighty army of ice giants, Anjelic, trolls, and even corrupt humans. Our world is not without a chance, however. After all, he has superheroes who will stand up for him once again. They are headed by Thor, who wants to destroy one of Asgard’s ancient enemies. Dwarves, elves and even the Allfather Odin himself will come to the rescue as well. But is it enough to defeat your opponents?

The final chapter

Jason Aaron finally brings his story to the end. After a long introduction centered on Thor and confusion in the Marvel universe, Malekith arrives on Earth to take over the last of the worlds. So a real war breaks out and we can watch it. We follow subsequent clashes in which almost all superheroes take part. Some get a little more time, others appear in just one frame, but each of them bravely defends humanity against invaders. We deal with fights and recruitment of new minions almost all the time. Is it not enough? Well, this is not the first House of Ideas event and fans probably knew they should expect it. Huge crossover, killing and final fight. Pure superhero entertainment. I appreciate it, that the artist meticulously prepared everything and showed it in his notebook. There are no gaps or shortcomings here. The only thing that may be missing is a little storyline. The reader moves from place to place and then he will see how Black Panther on a pegasus fights with the Anjelicami, then he will look again at the clash between Wolverine and Punisher with the giants, then She-Hulk beats the trolls again. Action chases action and each character is as we know it. Deadpool or Spider-Man make fun of, Captain America bravely commands his subordinates, and Iron Man mocks his enemies. Only Daredevil gets a new assignment. And that’s about it. Of course, the creator does not forget about Gromowładny and it is his story that unfolds. We get to know his relationship with Freyja and Odin, we watch how his fury rises, and the culmination is, of course, a duel with the main antagonist There are no gaps or shortcomings here. The only thing that may be missing is a little storyline. The reader moves from place to place and then he will see how Black Panther on a pegasus fights with the Anjelicami, then he will look again at the clash between Wolverine and Punisher with the giants, then She-Hulk beats the trolls again. Action chases action and each character is as we know it. Deadpool or Spider-Man make fun of, Captain America bravely commands his subordinates, and Iron Man mocks his enemies. Only Daredevil gets a new assignment. And that’s about it. Of course, the creator does not forget about Gromowładny and it is his story that unfolds. We get to know his relationship with Freyja and Odin, we watch how his fury rises, and the culmination is, of course, a duel with the main antagonist There are no gaps or shortcomings here. The only thing that may be missing is a little storyline. The reader moves from place to place and then he will see how Black Panther on a pegasus fights with the Anjelicami, then he will look again at the clash between Wolverine and Punisher with the giants, then She-Hulk beats the trolls again. Action chases action and each character is as we know it. Deadpool or Spider-Man make fun of, Captain America bravely commands his subordinates, and Iron Man mocks his enemies. Only Daredevil gets a new assignment. And that’s about it. Of course, the creator does not forget about Gromowładny and it is his story that unfolds. We get to know his relationship with Freyja and Odin, we watch how his fury rises, and the culmination is, of course, a duel with the main antagonist The reader moves from place to place and then he will see how Black Panther on a pegasus fights with the Anjelicami, then he will look again at the clash between Wolverine and Punisher with the giants, then She-Hulk beats the trolls again. Action chases action and each character is as we know it. Deadpool or Spider-Man make fun of, Captain America bravely commands his subordinates, and Iron Man mocks his enemies. Only Daredevil gets a new assignment. And that’s about it. Of course, the creator does not forget about Gromowładny and it is his story that unfolds. We get to know his relationship with Freyja and Odin, we watch how his fury rises, and the culmination is, of course, a duel with the main antagonist The reader moves from place to place and then he will see how Black Panther on a pegasus fights with the Anjelicami, then he will look again at the clash between Wolverine and Punisher with the giants, then She-Hulk beats the trolls again. Action chases action and each character is as we know it. Deadpool or Spider-Man make fun of, Captain America bravely commands his subordinates, and Iron Man mocks his enemies. Only Daredevil gets a new assignment. And that’s about it. Of course, the creator does not forget about Gromowładny and it is his story that unfolds. We get to know his relationship with Freyja and Odin, we watch how his fury rises, and the culmination is, of course, a duel with the main antagonist Action chases action and each character is as we know it. Deadpool or Spider-Man make fun of, Captain America bravely commands his subordinates, and Iron Man mocks his enemies. Only Daredevil gets a new assignment. And that’s about it. Of course, the creator does not forget about Gromowładny and it is his story that unfolds. We get to know his relationship with Freyja and Odin, we watch how his fury rises, and the culmination is, of course, a duel with the main antagonist Action chases action and each character is as we know it. Deadpool or Spider-Man make fun of, Captain America bravely commands his subordinates, and Iron Man mocks his enemies. Only Daredevil gets a new assignment. And that’s about it. The creator does not forget about the Thunderer, of course, and it is his story that unfolds. We get to know his relationship with Freyja and Odin, we watch how his fury rises, and the culmination is, of course, a duel with the main antagonistWars of the worlds . A well-known pattern and a predictable scenario, but fortunately there is plenty of emotion in it. Enjoyable reading, where we can relax and see Odinson’s great comeback.

In line with the spirit of the plot

Russell Dauterman is responsible for the graphics of the Wars of the Worlds . The illustrator made sure that the frames were adapted to the script. So you will not find any new solutions in creating a comic book. It is colorful, transparent, and the greatest attention has been paid to the murder. It should be appreciated that the artist made sure that every superhero got their moment, was noticed and remembered. This is important because, as I have already mentioned, some of them are here only for a moment. His works also give the final scenes an appropriate meaning. So everything is in its place, and we can enjoy following the fate of superheroes.

It’s not over yet?

The War of the Worlds was a very important event for Marvel in the context of the further history of the universe, so it’s no wonder that Egmontreached for this event. Without it, it would be difficult for us to find ourselves in the next comics. In addition, it is known that fans love epic clashes in which the fate of the Earth is in the balance, and all heroes are involved in the defense. What she can enjoy in this case is the fact that the title was published in a paperback. It may look worse on the shelf, but it is relatively cheap for 180 pages of entertainment. The publisher also took care of a short introduction and presentation of the most important characters. As standard, we also get a gallery of alternative covers, and some sketches are also included. However, as is the case with such titles, there are also several other notebooks that complement the script. Avengers: War of the Worlds and Uncanny X-Men: Cyclops and Wolverine are already available on the market. And that’s not all. If you would like to complete the entire collection, you can also find titles and release dates in War of the Worlds . Yes, it’s an ad, but it’s extremely helpful.

It’s event time!

If you are looking for a comic with numerous twists, secrets and a deep message, you’ve come to the wrong place. War of the Worlds is a typical superhero comic that will surely keep you entertained. There aren’t many things that may surprise you here, but you can read and watch the heroes struggle with the invaders and be pounded quite well. There is no shortage of epic clashes, but also good humor. You can see that the creators knew what they wanted to achieve, and at the same time had a great time. Excellent reading at a good price, which has an impact on the future of the House of Ideas. Marvel fans cannot pass by this item indifferently!

Nasza ocena: 7/10

Superhero entertainment in its purest form!

PLOT: 6.5/10
Characters: 7/10
EDITION: 8.5/10
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