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Double Pleasure – review of the comic book “Enola and Extraordinary Beasts”, vol. 3

A few days ago, with an unflagging smile, I opened the latest volume about the adventures of a brave veterinarian, Enola. Unusual animals that the heroine meets on her way most often become her charges. What is important, however, they often make her realize that she should not make hasty decisions, because “wild” creatures can also be a source of serious trouble.


Unhappy werewolf

The first story tells the adventure of a boy who, under the influence of a certain event, has to change his whole life. To the reader’s delight, Archibald, Enola’s close friend and mentor, is also involved in this story. The investigation conducted by the veterinarian shows how much appearances can deceive us, especially when emotions come to the fore. In the first part of the volume, Enola will get to know the werewolf reality better, she will also have to decide whether it is better to follow her head or her heart. He will also learn more about his morality and solve the mystery of suffering werewolves.

Free the griffin!

The second story shows the sad world of the circus. The animals used during the shows are forced to perform various tricks and thus exposed to many dangers. The non-human charges do establish relationships with their guardians, but at the same time they remain trapped – in a world where only expectations and mammon count, and the welfare of the animal recedes into the background. The volume also interestingly shows the relationship between a person and a ward – mutual care, devotion, longing and, what is equally important – the emotion that accompanies parting and is an emptiness impossible to fill. A cramped cage in a circus is no place for an animal, but will it survive in the wild?

At a high level

The adventures of a veterinarian specializing in helping creatures from fairy tales and legends constantly delight ( here and here ). A huge advantage of the series is the length of individual, hardcover volumes – each contains two notebooks, which is twice as much fun! The collaboration between Joris Chamblain and Lucile Thibaudier can delight not only young comic book readers, but also their guardians. It captures not only the willingness to help animals selflessly, but also the funny adventures of the title character and her cat, Maneki. Smile guaranteed!

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