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Call of Cthulhu – Report from Częstochowa Fantasy Day IV

Great Cthulhu has awakened from his slumber! However, it did not come out of the water, but appeared in the vicinity of Jasna Góra. Fortunately, instead of ending, it brought a lot of fun!


On Saturday, July 22, from 12:00, we could visit the fourth Częstochowa Fantasy Day, subtitled: “The Call of Cthulhu”

We decided to keep the thematic convention. In previous editions it was Tolkien, Star Wars or The Witcher. Now let’s get a little scary. We started with a legend, one of the precursors of the genre, i.e. Lovecraft, but not only! Generally, in the program you can find many points of the program related to broadly understood horror, horror and various inspirations related to it. – Alex “Hunter” Czichos, organizer

The program was divided into three parts. The one-hour part included various lectures, competitions and meetings. The continuous part concerned the attractions that were available most of the time of the event, and the night part was the screening of the film “Necronomicon” from 1993 and the after party.

Exhibitors offered many interesting items for purchase. Erpegowe Hell encouraged RPG manuals and figurines, fans of Japanese climates could buy manga at another stand, and there was even a stand of Alina Duchnowska, a writer who not only offered her books, but also hand-made dragons.

Of course, man does not live by shopping alone. We were also able to play many board games available on site, such as Nemesis , which we recently reviewed . And if you had any figurines to paint, the painting workshops invited you with open arms and paints.

The lectures from the hourly program were extremely interesting. The first one took place at 1:00 pm and was about showing what Lovecraft read and what inspired him. It was led by the charismatic Łukasz “Sas” Sasuła, who passed on his knowledge in a fun and accessible way.

A great job was also done by Kamil Kacperak and Krzysztof Majtyka, who organized lectures on the inspiration of Lovecraft’s prose in pop culture. The competitions also brought a lot of fun, especially from the knowledge of horror films led by Ewe “Kappadocja” Lasota, where the teams: “Brotherhood of Star Wisdom”, “Your Starzy”, “Grandma’s Grandson” and “Znak Your Stara” competed against each other. The first mentioned team won. In addition, there was a discussion panel about the Lovecraft phenomenon and a meeting with Łukasz Orbitowski, writer, screenwriter and author of television programs.

Fans of Lovecraft’s work could learn a lot of interesting things about the writer, and despite the horror theme, the whole event had a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere. Cthulhu now goes back to sleep, what will come after him? We look forward to your answer!

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