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Beautiful graphics for the 100th birthday – review of the game “Dixit Disney”

Dixit is one of the most popular party games. Was another base needed for fans of association games?

Dixit is a great game that has won the hearts of players with its simplicity and universality. It is suitable for any group, which is why it is so often mentioned as a classic party game. So far, two basic versions have been created, Dixit and Dixit Odyssey , and, if I counted correctly, as many as 10 expansions, i.e. further sets of cards. Each box always contains 84 cards, and two bases also contain components for voting and counting points. Since we already have so many entries in this series, was another one needed? Yes!

The rules are still as simple as in previous versions. The whole fun is trying to guess what the author had in mind. All players take turns performing this honorable function and, choosing one of their cards in their hand, they say a slogan they have invented that matches the illustration. The others find among their cards the one they associate with the slogan. The author takes all the cards and shuffles them, then reveals them in the middle of the table. The task of everyone except the Author is to guess which card belongs to the current leader.

Points are scored by the Author and the players who indicated his card, as well as those whose cards someone voted for (a reward for confusing the players). However, if no one guessed correctly or everyone did it, the author gave the puzzle too difficult or too easy and does not receive any points. The person who scores 30 points wins.

My collection already includes two previous bases and eight expansions. Recently I described Dixit: MNK , which in my opinion is the ugliest extension, but it certainly makes it difficult to come up with and guess passwords, because it is based on the collections of the Krakow museum. So it adds something new and raises the difficulty level a bit.

However, the reviewed Dixit Disney is, in my opinion, the prettiest set. In addition, we have charming boards for counting points and a board with graphics referring to fairy tales, but it was the cards that appealed to me the most. Of course, they are related to fairy tales and depict characters from many animations. However, these are not straight shots taken from the screen, but often really interesting compositions of well-known elements or objects. I would gladly turn some of them into paintings and hang them on the wall.

I am a huge fan of Disney and everything related to it. That’s why 2023, the year in which the company celebrates its 100th birthday, is almost like a year-long holiday for me. Everywhere I look, my eyes land on gadgets with my favorite logo. The celebration also included board games. We previously received, for example, the anniversary Dobble . Are birthday versions of games also suitable for people who don’t necessarily know Disney animations? Of course. As in every previous set, here we can come up with our slogans based on illustrations, and not on knowledge of fairy tales. Of course, you can mix the cards with any other set and have the same fun as before, but with new, beautiful graphics.

The entire Dixit series is suitable for children, adults, beginners and experienced players. The Disney anniversary version is the best for me, but there are so many sets that everyone can find the perfect one for themselves. And I’m sure that more boxes will appear from time to time, so it’s worth watching and expanding the pool of cards that guarantee good fun. For now, I will focus on the newest base game, because it will take some time before I get bored of these illustrations.

Nasza ocena: 8/10

The nicest edition  of Dixit in my collection.

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