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Sometimes I think that the old prick is already out of me … After all, over a quarter of a century on my neck, and I still enjoy watching animated films with great pleasure. But what can I advise you that it is an integral part of my life? Especially those I know since a kid and to which I come back from time to time … 

There has been another such comeback recently. This time for a Disney movie from 2000 called Dinosaur . This animation probably occupies an important place in my heart from an early age and I have a great fondness for it. Although I have watched it several times since then, it’s been almost 10 years since I last saw it. Therefore, after this year’s screening, my view of her has changed significantly … How? I invite you to read my thoughts.

“The beginning can be great. Or a small one. Very small…”

“… But sometimes the biggest changes can start with something small.” Indeed, now, when I think about it years later, I come to the conclusion that the greatest passion of my childhood, which is the fascination with dinosaurs, began with watching one movie – Jurassic Park . The work of Steven Spielberg made such a great impression on me, then a young child, that it immediately made me admire and adore Mesozoic reptiles. Of course, two more views followed. And then other movies. And then atlases, various books and finally all literally media related to dinosaurs. And everything was accompanied by a few tons (maybe I’m exaggerating, but only a little) of toys imitating them.

And among that was the Disney Dinosaur – one of the first dinosaur movies I watched right after Jurassic Park , and undoubtedly one of those that most awakened and shaped my imagination and which I most often and most willingly recreated. The image of the legendary label itself constituted a large chunk of my interest in prehistoric lizards and a large part of my childhood in total, so it has been permanently remembered in my memory as the foundation of childhood, and who knows if not even my personality. Despite the fact that with age my passion for dinosaurs faded away, from time to time I returned to it, looking like an ideal, uncritically approaching all its aspects and praising its uniqueness.

However, a lot of time has passed since the last such session. And time, like time, allows you to take a distance and verify certain issues. It was no different in the case of Dinosaur

Some things change after many years …

Once upon a time, in a fairy-tale, idyllic land, a certain mother-dinosaur was waiting for her son to be born. Unfortunately, as a result of a brutal attack, the hungry predator was separated from it, and the egg from which it was to hatch traveled a long way across land and sea … Finally it landed on a paradise island many miles away, where the apes had found them. The little dinosaur finally came out of the egg and was taken in by the islanders. From then on, Aladar, because that was his name, led a carefree and happily life among his adopted family. Until some event changed his fate forever …

This is how you can briefly describe the initial sequence of the Dinosaur. Amazing, atmospheric and, most importantly, without any dialogue, the introduction creates a unique atmosphere and is a very engaging introduction to the film. We immediately feel that we are entering an intriguing, rich world of prehistoric reptiles, hoping that we will get to know it more with time … full of intelligent apes, but even the mating scenes of primates and a talking iguanodon do not yet destroy the atmosphere accompanying the beginning of the picture. This is changed only in the further part, during which a catastrophe occurs, forcing Aladar to leave the island and, together with a few surviving monkeys – Jarem, Plio, Zini and Suri – he ends up on solid, sterile land. There he meets a mixed herd of dinosaurs, including those consisting of his own species, led by the leader Kron, his sister Neera and the adjutant Bruton. There are also two old women who can hardly keep up with the herd of old women – Baylene, the last brachiosaurus on earth, and Eema the Styracosaurus. And when our protagonist gets to know them all and follows the herd towards the safe, evergreen Birth Valley, the spell from the beginning of the film is completely broken.

Apart from the not necessarily original second half of the plot of Dinosaur , reminiscent of another, cult animation on this subject – Primeval Landfrom 1988, also based on a journey through the wastelands towards a safe, utopian valley – what is most striking is the lack of a specific theme. The action takes place and the heroes have a goal to achieve, but nothing else is behind it. There is no thought, no message, no deeper reflection here. Nothing that would make the viewer reflect on any important, higher matters. It’s a pity, because the world of dinosaurs would be a perfect excuse to consider them. The more that during the screening you can catch a few threads that could be followed by something, and in fact they only end at the seed stage. Speech incl. about the theme of hope and determination of a group of main characters, the internal transformation of some side characters, the unity of the herd led by the protagonist, and finally, about his search for his own identity. Somewhere in between the events unfolding on the screen, you can see the beginnings of these narratives, only to be blurry soon. Finally, for most of the film, the viewer watches post-apocalyptic (for dinosaurs, of course) landscapes, instead of being able to enjoy the views from its beginning longer. I think that it would be much more interesting if its action was mostly set in a colorful and colorful scenery, so much associated with dinosaurs after all. All this gives the impression that the film was not fully thought out by the creators, who could not decide on one specific thought that runs through the entire story, or a relatively coherent concept of its presentation. It’s a shame because Somewhere in between the events unfolding on the screen, you can see the beginnings of these narratives, only to be blurry soon. Finally, for most of the film, the viewer watches post-apocalyptic (for dinosaurs, of course) landscapes, instead of being able to enjoy the views from its beginning longer. I think that it would be much more interesting if its action was mostly set in a colorful and colorful scenery, so much associated with dinosaurs after all. All this gives the impression that the film was not fully thought out by the creators, who could not decide on one specific thought that runs through the entire story, or a relatively coherent concept of its presentation. It’s a shame because Somewhere in between the events unfolding on the screen, you can see the beginnings of these narratives, only to be blurry soon. Finally, for most of the film, the viewer watches post-apocalyptic (for dinosaurs, of course) landscapes, instead of being able to enjoy the views from its beginning longer. I think that it would be much more interesting if its action was mostly set in a colorful and colorful scenery, so much associated with dinosaurs after all. All this gives the impression that the film was not fully thought out by the creators, who could not decide on one specific thought that runs through the entire story, or a relatively coherent concept of its presentation. It’s a shame because For most of the film, the viewer watches post-apocalyptic (for dinosaurs, of course) landscapes, instead of being able to enjoy the views from its beginning longer. I think that it would be much more interesting if its action was mostly set in a colorful and colorful scenery, so much associated with dinosaurs after all. All this gives the impression that the film was not fully thought out by the creators, who could not decide on one specific thought that runs through the entire story, or a relatively coherent concept of its presentation. It’s a shame because For most of the film, the viewer watches post-apocalyptic (for dinosaurs, of course) landscapes, instead of being able to enjoy the views from its beginning longer. I think that it would be much more interesting if its action was mostly set in a colorful and colorful scenery, so much associated with dinosaurs after all. All this gives the impression that the film was not fully thought out by the creators, who could not decide on one specific thought that runs through the entire story, or a relatively coherent concept of its presentation. It’s a shame because All this gives the impression that the film was not fully thought out by the creators, who could not decide on one specific thought that runs through the entire story, or a relatively coherent concept of its presentation. It’s a shame because All this gives the impression that the film was not fully thought out by the creators, who could not decide on one specific thought that runs through the entire story, or a relatively coherent concept of its presentation. It’s a shame becauseThe dinosaur had a great potential in this regard, and this was not used in more than half.

I admit, however, that although some elements of the production stopped captivating me or just became more noticeable to me, at the same time I paid more attention than before to the most positive ones. Unfortunately, I cannot fail to mention spoilers here (as long as we can talk about them in the context of such an old animation …). The theme of Kron, the selfish leader of the herd and rival Aladar, who in the finale of the film is killed by a Carnotaurus before the main character and Neer are able to come to his rescue, comes to the fore. For years I considered his death totally, so to speak, anti-climatic, completely unmoving and inadequate to the feelings his character had a few moments earlier. But speaking of the motives, this time I saw some sense in killing him. Namely, Kron seems to be a tragic figure. He himself, through his actions and paranoia, which at some point turns into madness, brings him to his own dramatic end. The moment of his departure evokes a certain sadness, and the reflection “what if” arouses even greater interest in, after all, one of the most expressive heroesDinosaur .

… And some things never change

I complained and philosophized, but one thing cannot be denied – it has not aged a bit and still has its old charm. Mostly because of the breathtaking special effects and the technique it was made. The imposition of digital figures on real landscapes, for those times, was a major breakthrough among animated films, and the characteristic appearance of reptiles appearing in the picture, combined with the fact that the technique, continues to delight today. Second, for a Disney movie, Dinosaur is surprisingly brutal and realistic – there is no exaggeration or candyiness there, but we deal with blood and killing (with blood probably being a complete novelty).as for the films of this studio). Completely in line with the world in which the dinosaurs lived.

In terms of strictly cinematic issues, the picture also does not disappoint. The script is so skillfully written that the story, whatever it may be, intrigues the viewer and constantly keeps him in suspense and suspense. We also get to know interesting characters who are impossible to dislike, and in the worst case, they are simply not indifferent to the recipient. The visual side is accompanied by delicious, memorable music, perfectly emphasizing the mood of important moments. Finally, despite my complaints about the lack of a keynote, the film conveys some values. The most important of them is certainly the sacrifice that Aladar is often ready for. Others are empathy, friendship and to some extent also love – everything that should be taught to children through such animations from an early age.

All these features make it possible to turn a blind eye to the shortcomings of Dinosaur , and although I do not really consider it to be as perfect a movie as it used to be, it will still occupy a particularly important place in my memory. After all, I am and will always be proud that I grew up in on this particular production and I will probably come back to it more than once in my life.

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