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Zack Snyder announces a video game set in the ‘Rebel Moon’ universe

Zack Snyder is a very expressive director, known for his incredibly refined visual effects, pompous plot and grand, philosophical ideas.


The beginning of a new grand sci-fi universe?

People are divided on how effectively he executes these ideas, but often suggest that Snyder would be better suited to create his own game. At one point, he was even going to head up a video game group. After releasing his 300th  box office hit, Snyder signed a deal with EA to help develop several video games that unfortunately never saw the light of day. However, Zack himself will soon return to the gaming world.

 Yesterday, Zack Snyder took the stage at Gamescom to unveil  the trailer for Rebel Moon , the new Star Wars-inspired sci-fi movie he’s developing for  Netflix  . Snyder has spoken extensively that this is the beginning of a big new saga and he has aspirations to start a multimedia series. Two movies set in the  Rebel Moon universe are on the way, and Snyder himself confirms that the video game will also follow the same vibe. Snyder stated that it will be a co-op RPG where players will be able to create their own rebel, but can’t reveal anything more at the moment.

Who will create the game?

The game is being developed by Super Evil Megacorp , a mobile game developer working with Netflix. It will only be available to Netflix users in four-player co-op, as confirmed by the developer’s blog post:

As seen in the trailer, the Rebel Moon universe is vast and exotic, dark and dangerous; is a fantasy crafted with the rich history and dreams of our development team in mind. Building worlds is our passion, and being able to collaborate on this was a dream come true, leaving us both excited and terrified of the creative challenges ahead. Our studio has learned a lot about co-op games by creating projects like Vainglory , Catalyst Black and TMNT: Splintered Fate. We intend to take all of these insights and take them to the next level.

You can also see the developer’s Twitter post below:

Rebel   Moon Part 1: A Child of Fire  will debut on Netflix on December 22. What do you think about the idea of ​​creating a video game in the same universe? Let us know if you are looking forward to the release of the movie and the game itself!

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