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Xbox Series X: is it a worthy successor?

When it comes to deciding whether the Xbox Series X is a worthy successor to the Xbox One X, we must not forget about a fact. In the previous generation, Microsoft outclassed PlayStation in terms of performance. Will the Xbox Series X live up to its predecessor in this field?

Xbox Series X – four times the power of the Xbox One X!

Xbox Series X is a console that is supposed to completely change the perception of this category of equipment. The graphic possibilities must be at the highest level. Even an avid gamer with a computer for PLN 15,000 will be delighted to see the game screen on the new Xbox. Processor capabilities have significantly improved compared to the previous generation consoles. Today we expect sharp images, real 4K, 60 frames per second and dynamic gameplay in the best visual setting.

This year Microsoft wants to meet the expectations of even the most demanding fans. It is not only a matter of the fact that the Xbox Series X is to be a worthy successor to the Xbox One. This is the console that is supposed to be the real killer for the previous generation. This is equipment that shows how consoles should be created in 2020 and what their capabilities actually are. We already know today that the potential of this type of equipment is huge. Microsoft and AMD have made every effort to achieve the remarkable 12 teraflops of performance. This is 6 teraflops more than the Xbox One X – and even then, the talk was of extremely high value. Xbox Series X games will impress with their quality – that’s for sure.

Xbox Series X, is it a worthy successor to the Xbox One X?

The flagship console of the previous generation offered the possibility of playing in 4K resolution. However, this was not a feature available for every game, especially if we wanted to play at 60fps. The Xbox Series X will allow us to both 4K and 60fps in each triple-A title. The image rendering capabilities will also increase – game producers will finally be able to “tweak” this aspect of the game a bit. So it will become smoother, more detailed, clearer and simply prettier.

Game developers will also be able to take advantage of the 120 frames per second display and support for 8K resolution. Therefore, Microsoft gives programmers a very wide field for optimization. It is possible that Xbox Series X games will look even better in the future. Remember that over the years, not only hardware development has advanced, which means that the Xbox Series X can offer us a staggering 12 teraflops.

The way games are programmed has also changed. An example is The Witcher 3 on the Switch – something that Nintendo was not prepared for, and the power of the Switch is incomparably smaller than the power of, for example, the Xbox One X. However, we will not compare the new Microsoft console to the Switch, and to the PlayStation 5. It looks like that in this case Microsoft’s dominance is unchanged. The Xbox Series X will be more efficient than its rival from Sony – the difference is less than 2 teraflops.

One thing is certain – we have something to wait for

Although the pre-sale has yet to start , the Xbox Series X promises to be a truly remarkable console. We have already learned the parameters of PlayStation 5 and we have good news for Xbox fans – the Microsoft console fares better again. We already know some of the titles. The latest productions such as Cyberpunk 2077 or Assasin’s Creed: Valhalla will certainly appear on the Xbox Series X. Soon more games will join their ranks. Most triple-A titles will likely be available on the next-gen console. So it’s worth watching new premieres and news, and be ready for a possible purchase!

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