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Work is underway on the second prequel to “Games of Thrones”

HBO did not hide its intention to further develop the world presented in “Game of Thrones”. The premiere of the first spinoff – “House of the Dragon” is even planned for next year. However, this will not be the only new production based on the books by George RR Martin.

According to Variety, the second prequel to Game of Thrones is at an early stage of development . The series is to be based on the stories from the Tales from the Seven Kingdoms series, set 90 years before the events of A Song of Ice and Fire . The main characters in these stories are the knight Ser Duncan the Tall – Dunk for short – and his squire using the pseudonym Egg (later King Aegon the Fifth Targaryen). As of now, no names are associated with the project, and representatives from HBO and George RR Martin declined to comment on the matter.

The news about this project will surely please fans of Game of Thrones and the original book prototype of the popular fantasy series. When the plans for new productions in the world of RR Martin were announced for the first time, one of the most anticipated pieces of information was those related to the Stories of the Seven Kingdoms . Unfortunately, so far most of the options have been rejected by the station management.

The adventures of Dunk and his squire have been told in three stories so far. The heroes appeared in The Knight BusSworn Sword,  and  The Mysterious Knight . They were published successively in 1998, 2003 and 2010.

Although the last season of Game of Thrones turned out to be quite a disappointment for viewers, it is still one of the most popular brands from HBO. Perhaps the prequels will encourage fans to visit Westeros again.

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