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“Wolverine” from Marvel – work on the game is accelerating!

Marvel’s Wolverine just received a pretty significant new update. Insomniac Games has quietly established itself as one of the most reliable video game developers on the market with titles like Ratchet and Clank , Sunset Overdrive and, most importantly, its version of Spider-Man. 

After two extremely successful Spider-Man games and another one in the works, Insomniac Games has clearly established itself as Marvel’s favorites, as the developers also received the opportunity to create a new Wolverine game. Fans of the Wolverine character haven’t received anything new since  2008’s  beloved X-Men Origins: Wolverine , which allowed fans to immersively dismember the bodies of enemies, making them feel like Logan for a moment.

When can we expect something new?

For now, we don’t know much about the entire project, but it is a game that Insomniac Games has been working on since at least 2021, when the start of production was announced. Some fans are hoping it will be released in 2024, but we don’t actually know anything about the release date. Insomniac knows how to keep fans at bay, especially when Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 is on the horizon , which is enough of a treat for fans at the moment. After the premiere, they will likely start demanding more information about what will happen next. Fortunately, it looks like work on the project is gaining momentum. One of the creators of Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 , Tommy Mann, tweeted earlier this month that he was done with Spider-Man and had started working on Marvel’s Wolverine . It’s likely that many developers will make this change in the coming weeks once they finish working on Spider-Man 2 and can focus on their next project.

Punctual like clockwork

It’s important to note that developers with different roles in game development join projects at different stages of production, so this doesn’t actually mean that the game is in a very early stage of development, although of course it could be. However, Insomniac Games is quite good at working on multiple games at the same time and can release them almost one after the other without any problems. We received Marvel’s Spider-Man  in 2018,  Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales  in 2020, Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart  in 2021, and now Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 in 2023.

Taking into account this “schedule” of the developer’s work, we can conclude that we will receive the new part of the adventures about the predatory wolverine sometime between 2024 and 2025. While waiting for more information, you can take a look at the game’s teaser released two years ago on Playstation Showcase:


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