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Who is hunting who? – review of the comic book “Star Wars. Target Vader “

A standalone, one-volume comic book from the Marvel publishing house. Lord Vader is sent on a mission to track down the Hidden Hand Syndicate. But what if it turns out that he himself has become the target? He is followed by blood-hungry killers led by cyborg Beilert Valance, a former officer of the Galactic Empire. Who will come out alive from this clash?


A standalone novel

Let’s start with the fact that Target Vader is a standalone story. A closed story, not an ordinary volume opening another series. This is a huge plus, especially at a time when the market is overwhelmed by the enormous amount of cycles that keep popping up. In the Star Wars universe itself, at least three long-term storylines are released simultaneously! A brief novel is what is missing. It is the discussed comic that deserved a huge plus at the very beginning.

Clash of the Titans

The title dark lord of the Sith, Darth Vader , is sent on a mission to eliminate the famous group of criminals. The Hidden Hand, for that is the name of the crime syndicate, has exposed itself to the Galactic Empire’s habitual violation of its laws. The Emperor’s Fist, however, does not expect the gang to have already hired their own hunters. A group of the best bounty hunters in the galaxy have been paid to get rid of Lord Vader. They are led by a former Imperial officer, Cyborg Beilert Valance. A clash of the titans is brewing.

Unequal fight

You have to say immediately what most people familiar with the universe immediately expected. The fight between the hunters and Vader is not equal. Even though the Lord of the Sith was supposed to be the prey, he is usually the one who is on the attack. He had experienced a moment of crisis only once in the entire picture novel. It fits very well into the realities we know from movies and other media – Darth Vader is an extremely powerful character. However, one would like to see a bit more even clashes.

Hunters’ crew

I really like the formula of creating a team of bounty hunters. As we know, each of these types of characters is an amazing persona in the Star Wars world. These individualists have unprecedented stories behind them. Boba Fett, Cad Bane, Dengar, Bossk – each of them is material for its own novel, if not the whole series (even one has already received one). The Vader in the crosshairand we get a crew made of just such individuals. In addition to already known characters, such as the aforementioned Dengar or Valance, we will also meet completely new heroes. Urrr’k sniper rifle, Chio Fain hacker, former robotic Jedi R-9-19 hunter, and thick-skinned Gamorreanka Honnah. This colorful gang is immediately likeable. Or maybe respect? Valance’s past has been given a lot of attention. We get to know the fate of this hero from childhood, service in the Empire, through successive events. We are witnessing more and more parts of his body being replaced by robotic parts. A miner’s son, a brave Imperial soldier, ultimately a cybernetic bounty hunter. A deep and dramatic story that has been skillfully woven here between the chapters of the main storyline.

Cartoonish contrast

Target Vader is the work of several cartoonists, each of whom was responsible for the preparation of several pages. Unfortunately, this procedure is very visible. The differences in styles are beating the eyes. Once we get extremely detailed representations of the heroes in an almost photographically depicted environment, and a few pages later we are greeted by almost schematically outlined figures. Perhaps if the cartooners were more similar in level, the reader would not notice such a big difference. However, we can see both masterfully prepared panels, as well as those that seem to be amateurs.

More Hunters!

This comic book novel is a handful of real emotions, fiery outbursts and very good action. The plot is dripping with the atmosphere of Star Wars, and the beloved hero of many, Darth Vader, does not lose any of his killer character here. Perhaps curious newly met bounty hunters could be a bit more evolved. A very large part of the volume was devoted to the fairly well-known Valance, while the rest of his crew remained in the shadows. Nevertheless, the comic is great and I can honestly recommend it to anyone.

Nasza ocena: 7/10

A standalone story of a bounty hunter and Darth Vader. Graphically uneven, but very good in terms of story.

Characters: 8/10
Graphic Design: 6/10
Story: 9/10
Edition: 8/10
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