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“Whisper of the Forest” by Marlena Joanna Sychowska – competition!

Retteling on motifs from such fairy tales as: “Cinderella”, “Snow White” and “Beauty and the Beast” to be won from the Last Tavern!

Whisper of the Forest  Marlena Joanna Sychowska’s debut to be won on the Facebook page of the Last Tawerna!

Just answer a simple question under the contest post:

What magic can the forest whisper?

The three most interesting answers win ! Let your imagination run wild before you go to the forest.

You can read the reviews on our website – The Magic of a Fairy Tale – “Whisper of the Forest” review


Eillen, like every girl in Amarat, goes to the annual Most Beautiful Ball organized by King Strahan. Lumberjack Jahter, commissioned by the witch, must steal the Tiara of the Most Beautiful before midnight, and Prince Cedric, torn between his father and his own heart, swears to save his beloved from a cruel fate. When the Mirror chooses this year’s Most Beautiful, and more than a crown disappears from the castle, the heroes have to face their destiny.

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