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When you look into the abyss, the abyss also looks into you

On March 9th we saw the premiere of The Apostate, it’s a book published by the Insignis publishing house. Are you ready for something new and special wrote by Polish author?

Motifs from Lovecraft’s mythology, historical inspirations, new worlds and demonic terror in a surprising debut on the border of fantasy, crime and horror. The book by Łukasz Czarnecki, The Apostate, you can buy here .

For over a century, the only continent of the Ecumen has been divided in half by a line of trenches. In this frontal lane of an Inhuman Land tainted with combat magic, the armies of the democratic Republic clash with the disfigured warriors of the theocratic Empire of York.

Meanwhile, far from the hustle and bustle of the battlefields, a completely different fight takes place, perhaps even more important to the fate of civilization: an endless battle against the dark cults that honor the sinister beings born at the dawn of time. The followers of the demons will not rest until they have released their masters from the Abyss that binds them, so that they may consume humanity, as they have done with the other races that have inhabited the Ecumene for millions of years.

The author is a historian, researcher of the history of East Asia, popular culture and a popularizer of science. He is also associated with the editorial office of Nowa Fantastyka. Now, drawing on its knowledge, passion and imagination, it shows readers and fans of fantasy the history of the Republic – a world of conflict, going towards destruction. In this world, millions of soldiers shed their blood in the war waged for generations with the Empire of York, and political conspiracies and riots continue in the capital. The greatest danger, however, lurks in the dark. Taking advantage of the prevailing chaos, the demon cults ruthlessly pursue their ultimate goal. Absorbing humanity.

Does fighting them make sense and is it really worth saving anything from the impending apocalypse? Andrzej Pilipiuk said about the Apostate:

This is a world in decline, torn by social, ethnic and religious conflicts. There are many people here ready to set their country on fire in various ways. The lower classes stand by the side of the oligarchy. Not all minorities want to submit to power. Not all cults can be accepted, especially when their followers make human sacrifices to summon demons … The author perfectly builds the tension, leading us straight into the deadly whirlwind of interests, dark rituals, deceptions and intrigues … I sincerely recommend.

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