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When does criticism hurt?

The publishing house “Fabryka Słów” invites you to the original project # AutorTeżCzłowiek, aimed at developing a model of constructive criticism of authors’ works.


Each of them experienced. Each of them has a different approach.
Magda Kozak wants to educate.
Andrzej Pilipiuk displays inborn stoicism.
Andrzej Ziemiański proposes a vote of a separatum.
In short: things will happen!
Come, listen, ask questions.

Why # AutorTeżCzłowiek?

After several months of hard work, we managed to control the group and show its members other ways of expressing their thoughts, and this experience resulted in the idea for the # AutorTeżCzłowiek action.

The heart of the action is already contained in the name: we want to make people aware that “on the other side of the pen” there is also a human being. Not a robot or artificial intelligence. A man, a creator, who exposes himself to a large extent by making his work public, and ruthless criticism is in such a case even more severe.

The organizers do not say that you should not criticize, they do not want to shut people up. They only want to make them aware that there is a colossal difference between constructive, helpful criticism and a ruthless, aggressive attack that does nothing and helps in no way.

What are the organizers planning?

Information about the meeting:

The discussion will take place on June 30 and will be attended by Magda Kozak, Andrzej Pilipiuk and Andrzej Ziemiański.

All information about the next meeting under the # AutorTeżCzłowiek campaign can be found at the link

Anyone willing to join will be welcomed with open arms.

The organizers will be happy to answer every question and dispel any doubts in discussions on the websites linked below:

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