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What to consider when buying an e-book reader? Tips

An e-book reader is an increasingly popular gadget by people who love reading traditional, paper books. The small dimensions of the device allow you to store several hundred literary items in it, which saves space on the shelves. What other advantages does the reader have? How to choose a good quality model?


What are the advantages of an e-book reader?

Electronic gadgets that make everyday life easier are becoming more and more popular. We are happy to use modern solutions that minimize the need to buy items that limit the living space. Bookworms certainly know the problem of overcrowded shelves bending under the weight of books. The solution is an e-book reader , a small device resembling a tablet. With it, you can read hundreds of books, electronic newspapers or learn foreign languages ​​comfortably and without eyestrain.

The most important advantages of having a reader are:

  • the possibility of using it in full sun,
  • storing up to several hundred books on it,
  • elimination of eye strain. The screens are made in paper-ink technology, which is supposed to resemble a sheet of paper,
  • long operation on one charge,
  • light weight – you can carry it with you everywhere.

How to choose an e-book reader?

Books on the Kindleor another reader is very comfortable and pleasant to read. However, in order for the device to meet all our requirements, it is worth paying attention to several parameters. The screen size will be the key, depending on individual preferences. 6-inch screens are optimal, although there are even 10-inch readers on the market. The option to illuminate the device may also be useful. This is important when reading in the dark. LEDs illuminate the text from the top, thanks to which the eyes do not get tired as when using a smartphone or laptop. Most models are also equipped with the ability to connect to the Internet via Wi-Fi and data transfer via Bluetooth. Before buying, make sure which formats the reader model supports. The most common are: EPUB, MOBI, TXT, PDF, DOC, HTML and RTF. The capacity of the battery is also important, as it informs about the working time without the need to recharge. Typically, the readers are very efficient in this respect and last up to a week or more without recharging.

Advanced reader models also allow you to listen to MP3 files and are therefore equipped with a separate headphone jack.

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