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What RPGs from Copernicus Corporation will we get in 2022?

Not so long ago, we wrote about the books that the Copernicus Corporation publishing house is going to release to the market this year. Now it’s time to make plans for an RPG! Fans of role-playing games will certainly have a lot to choose from!

Soulbound – Main Textbook

The Storm of Sigmar shattered the hordes of Chaos, becoming a spark that rekindled hope in the peoples of the Mortal Realms. The foundations of civilization thus laid made possible the strongholds of the forces of Order, and for a short time it seemed that the endless tide of darkness could be stopped. But then Necroscler came, and Nagash’s undead legions rose to shatter the City of Sigmar. Hope fades and the Mortal Realms are in danger of being swallowed up by darkness again …

The Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Soulbound handbook contains everything you need to experience dangerous adventures in the amazing fantasy universe of the Mortal Realms.

The manual is also available in the Collector’s Edition.

Soulbound – Crash & Burn [PDF]

Crash and Burn is a thrilling introductory adventure that takes the Soultwined team on an arduous journey through Aqsha – the Fire Dimension. The team departs from the bustling metropolis of Hammerhal Aqsha as part of a massive fleet of Kharadron aircraft tasked with delivering essential supplies to the newly reclaimed city of Lightspear. But the forces of Chaos won’t let them pass that easily, and the party will have to contend with Tzeentch’s Spearheads and other vile creatures if they hope to reach the Luminous Spear of the living.

Soulbound – Starter Kit

The starter kit contains everything you need to embark on epic adventures in the dangerous Deadlands. Whether it’s your first role-playing game or you’re a seasoned Game Master setting up your next campaign, this bundle is the perfect starting point for anyone interested in Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Soulbound .

Soulbound – Game Master Screen

The Game Master screen is an indispensable addition to any MG’s arsenal! Whatever your playstyle or experience, the MG screen is packed full of useful information, with amazing artwork by artist Johan Grenier.

Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay – Archiwa Imperium Volume I.

Archiwa Imperium Volume I is a diverse collection of articles describing the length and breadth of the Old World. The first volume focuses on the races whose presence enriches the world of Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay . Volume I details new locations, careers, and NPCs that are perfect for your next WFRP adventure .

The Empire Archives include:
• Karak Azgaraz: The exploration of a dwarven fortress that, though it has seen better times, is still firmly in the mountains that rise beyond Ubersreik, at the very edge of the Empire.
• Imperial Dwarves: While they consider Karak their true home, many Dwarves never set foot in their ancestral lands, instead they live in the heart of the Empire.
• Halfling Clans: From Skelfsider to Thorncobble, from Rumsters to Lowhaven, learn about the very extensive halfling clans.
• Guide to the Great County of the Land of the Congregation: Join the common people of the Land of the Congregation and take a grand tour of their fertile province, its farms and villages, rivers and forests.
• Laurelorn: Delve into the politics, culture and threats that haunt this ancient elven colony, located between Nordland and the Wasteland that has survived to this day.

Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay – Enemy Within: Death on the River Reik

Death on the River Reik is the second installment of the revised and updated director’s cut for The Enemy Within , one of the most acclaimed RPG campaigns ever written! Created by legendary WFRP writer Graeme Davis, one of the original campaign writers. The director’s cut provides additional footage that maintains all the mood and paranoia of the original. Death on the Reik River continues the adventures from where the Enemy in the Shadows left off , taking the heroes on a great adventure along and across the incredible Reik, the largest river in the Old World and a busy trade route to the heart of the Empire.

Along with the adventure, the Death Kit on the Reik River will be released , containing additional materials to diversify the game. Both manuals will be released in the Collector’s Edition, along with a decorative slipcase and aids for players.


Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay – Enemy Within: The Gray Eminence

The Gray Eminence , arguably the best WFRP adventure ever written. It begins where Death on the River Reik ended , taking your brave heroes from Altdorf to the city of Middenheim, the towering city-state in the north of the Empire, where trouble awaits and a power game is played.

Along with the adventure, the  Gray Eminence Toolkit will be released , containing additional materials to diversify the game. Both manuals will be released in the Collector’s Edition, along with a decorative slipcase and aids for players.

Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay – Middenheim: City of the White Wolf

Middenheim: The City of the White Wolf takes players from the famous Greater Reikland Province right into the center of the influence and power of the cult of Ulric in the Old World. Middenheim is in the heart of the Northern Empire and is the perfect setting for dark and dangerous adventures! Each neighborhood in the sprawling city is detailed, with locations, adventure ideas, and NPCs too numerous to mention. The beautifully illustrated map, supplied for both the GM and the gamers, shows the city down to the last detail. Need an inn on Altmarket? Pawnshop in Kleinmoot? Details about the Kislev Embassy? Middenheim has everything you need.

Wrath & Glory – Main Textbook

The filthy plots of the Chaos Gods shattered the galaxy. The Great Rift tore apart space and reality, driving mortals to the brink of oblivion. The Gilead system had lost contact with the Empire – it was trapped in silent darkness. As the grim shadow of death lurks around the corner, hope is waning but not yet dying.

The desperate group rallied by the Free Merchant Jakel Varonius is determined to do what must be done to prevent the Gilead system from being swallowed by the darkness. Will they resist the machinations of Chaos and the intrigues of those who see the Breach as an opportunity to increase their power?

The Wrath & Glory Master Book is all it takes to play out a gloomy and glorious adventure on the Gilead system.

Wrath & Glory – The Source of Mercy [PDF]

The free adventure The Source of Mercy is an introduction to the Wrath & Glory role-playing game set in the bleak 41st Millennium. Features an action-packed adventure with simplified game rules so you can start playing immediately.

In the temple world, suffering from a shortage of drinking water, rumors begin to circulate about a saint who is capable of miraculously producing it. Can you handle a treacherous city run by gangs that trade water? Is the saint a pious vessel for the Emperor’s will or a perfidious psyker manipulating the people?

As judge and executioner in one person, employed by the representatives of the Empire in a turbulent world, full of danger and ravaged by the malicious forces of the Great Gap, what choices will you and your team make under these dangerous conditions?

Wrath & Glory – Forsaken System Player’s Guide

The Forsaken System Player’s Guide provides extensive information on driving and playing Warhammer 40,000: Wrath & Glory , including:

• Extended Gilead planet information, including optional backgrounds for human figures.
• A practical basis for Gilead factions, their hierarchy and their relationship to each other.
• Detailed accounts of the Patrons of the major factions in the Gilead system, each with a separate Convention and mission ideas for your squad.
• 3 new playable species: Ogryn, Ratak, and Kroot.
• 20 new playable archetypes.
• Optional downtime system rules that detail your characters’ endeavors between adventures.

Wrath & Glory – Litanies of the Lost

Litanies of the Lost includes four exciting scenarios suitable for level 1 and 2 characters. They can be played as standalone adventures or combined into a dangerous planetary campaign that highlights the political conflicts and the myriad dangers of the Gilead system.

Dark Heresy 2 ed. – An enemy from outside of Reality

The last expansion pack for the second edition of Dark Heresy – The Non-Reality Enemy allows you to play as an Acolyte to the servants of Ordo Malleus, whose task is to protect the Empire from the demons of the Warp.

In this expansion, Game Masters will find rules for creating their own Demon Princes and new world types to introduce to sessions such as the Penal World and the Demon World. As members of the Ordo Malleus, you may be forced to fight fire with fire with tools that would be completely condemned by any other Ordo. You will learn the secrets of creating possessions, concluding Dark Pacts or performing exorcisms. The handbook will also provide you with extensive information on all four Chaos gods.

Conan: Adventures in the Untamed Era – Main Manual

The role-playing game Conan: Adventures in the Untold Age , based on the prose of Robert E. Howard, will take you to the world of Conan the Barbarian, where heroes with bloody swords in their hands face gloomy sorcery, exotic lands await bold explorers, in forgotten ruins you can find both dangers and and treasures, and hideous creatures haunt the underworld… and the throne rooms of mighty kingdoms!

You can look for happiness and riches in forgotten tombs or among blood-drenched battlefields. For the price of your own soul, to practice dark and sinister magic of unimaginable power. Sail on troubled seas and reach lands forgotten by people and time. Fight for the survival of civilization or the triumph of barbarism among the wild lands of the border.

With legendary deeds, go down in the history of this brutal, declining world!

The Witcher RPG – The Witcher Notes

The Witcher Notes is an expansion pack for The Witcher RPG , featuring lots of new monsters and intriguing storylines to use in your game, as well as an in-depth investigation system.

Here you will find:
• 33 new monsters: Terror the area with a wide variety of monsters, from deadly archespores to gruesome Wedigos!
• 2 extraordinary monsters: create unique higher vampires and real dragons to populate dark corners and high peaks of the Continent!
• In-Depth Investigation System: Learn how to write a mystery adventure for players to discover as the game progresses!
• Completely new information: Discover the history of the Witchers’ Guild and Erland of Larvik, the first Griffin!

All descriptions and graphics come from the publisher’s website . Due to the current situation in the world, the plans may still change.

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