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We’re flying towards the sun! – review of the comic book “Little gods. Stubborn Icarus “, vol. 2

The first volume of Little Gods did not impress me much, nevertheless the subject and line of Larbier encouraged me to reach for the sequels. Will there be more fun moments in Stubborn Icarus ?

Icarus wanted to take to the heavens

Second volume of Little Godsit focuses again on short scenes with mythological heroes. As the title suggests, in this part the creators paid the most attention to Icarus. Of course, most attempts to take to the air are unsuccessful and lead to all sorts of ridiculous accidents. The story of Poseidon threatening Odysseus with his finger for catching too small fish is also great. In addition, it is worth mentioning Heracles, who this time seriously took his first job. Given that he still had not received superhuman strength from Zeus, he had to resort to insane wiles to defeat the Nemean Lion. What about the protagonist then? Surprisingly, Taurusek appears less frequently in the second volume. Nevertheless, he makes a lot of trouble again – he pissed off Zeus himself again. For this reason he tries to redeem his sins, “Selflessly” helping Midas … Of the more interesting moments, it is worth mentioning the funny attempts by Zeus to seduce women. Unfortunately, the level of individual stories differs. Some of them did not reach me at all, such as the thread of the migrating Icarus.

Athena enters the stage

The greatest advantage of the Little Gods is the Larbier dash. It skillfully captures the emotions accompanying the characters. Any outbursts of anger are comical. The character designs are also great, because most of the heroes are just incredibly nice – it’s impossible not to like them. In the second volume, apart from Icarus, Athena also appears. Like other little gods, a woman is not very good at her profession. Although the characters look good, the scenario is sometimes lame. I am more amused by the skilfully drawn facial expressions of the characters than a situational joke or spoken lines.

Sirens that are not sirens

I would like Little Gods to be a great comic book, unfortunately the second volume reassures me that I am dealing with a typical middle-class. I appreciate the idea, I see potential in this series, but the level of humor doesn’t always appeal to me. Larbier’s drawings fit perfectly into the humorous convention and I enjoyed watching the actions of the characters, but on the other hand I missed more funny scenes. This series is not bad at all, but compared to many other items, it is unfortunately average.

Finally, I would like to highlight one of several inaccuracies. Namely, it is about mermaids that have nothing to do with creatures known from Greek mythology. Unfortunately, the authors presented them as women with a fish tail. Of course, this is not a major drawback, after all, humor and fun are the most important things in Little Gods . Nevertheless, it is a pity that the source material was neglected.

Nasza ocena: 7/10

The friendly characters and Larbier's line are probably the greatest advantages of this series, and besides, the second volume is an average comic book.

PLOT: 5.5/10
Characters: 6.5/10
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