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Welcome back, glutton – review of the comic book “Garfield. Fat cat’s three-pack ”, vol. 11

Some time has passed since August and Garfield fans may have been looking forward to the next installment of the adventures of America’s chief glutton! Another Fat Cat 3-Pack enters the salons in a great style and its content will not disappoint you!

Uninhibited Garfield : Fat Cat aka Grubcio

If you imagined the eponymous cat as the editor-in-chief or editor, what do you think, would the cooperation be successful? In the first part of the discussed collective Garfield volumereveals his journalistic interests – gives the reader a foretaste of skills and lifts his interlocutors’ spirits (i.e. if your younger brother pisses you off, smack him like a fly; if your boss does not give you a moment to rest, go to work; if I’m lazy, you are stupid losing). In addition, while the pets play, Jon makes more attempts to win over the fair sex. This time his task is easier – the new mobile phone allows him to contact almost directly. As Garfield concludes with an ironic smirk: Now women can refuse to talk from anywhere! I can’t help but get the impression that the main antagonist of the cat in this part of the comic book is the spider. Well, not so ordinary, but quite clever!

Garfield does not spare himself : Cats should not drink coffee

Gastric problems with too much caffeine are not good for Garfield. Nevertheless, to wake up properly in the morning (on Mondays it doesn’t work…), you can sometimes indulge in an espresso with a donut! Holidays are coming, which is a time of joy and understanding. In Jon’s house, however, the proportions of good and bad humor are – as always and invariably – disturbed. Odie’s gift is twice as large as Garfield’s! “X-ray” cat eyesight does not allow the title cat to x-ray the packages, but licking the sugar canes rewards the long waiting time for Christmas Eve and leads to a blissful feeling of happiness. In this part of the comic, Garfield also meets Arlene, who, as usual, accurately judges the attitude of the sweetheart. The muscle-flexing Garfield looks hilarious, and his puffed cheeks are sure to make the reader smile.

Garfield has its weight : A fan of lasagne and … postmen

Jon is special. Despite the fact that he cannot find his significant other, he cares for the happiness of others immeasurably. To provide some entertainment for his lazy charge – Garfield – he buys him cat crisps of various shapes, such as fleeing postmen (“public officials with sugar”) and lasagne flavors. In their free time, friends go on vacation. The sea climate combined with soft sand provokes Jon to creative inspiration – he builds quite a large sand castle, which Garfield describes as … an outhouse with towers! As can be seen, the American tomcat has not lost his unique sense of humor during these few months and continues to amuse us with his gags.

No limits – we laugh!

The latest volume also includes three notebooks – Garfield without inhibitions , Garfield does not spare himself and Garfield has his weight (after all, we present you a Fat Cat 3-Pack !). The fat tabby still holds the extra pounds, and countless times he tries to crush the spider or conducts drop tests. He also thinks someone new has moved into the house – Clive’s invisible friend, who secretly eats his cookies. As a curiosity, I will reveal that this Clive debuted in April 1996 and then appeared in the comic several times (he appeared until July 2013). Garfield uses this character to blame him for his bad behavior, but the reader cannot be sure if Clive is just a cat invention or if he really exists.

Nasza ocena: 9/10

No quality loss, with lots of funny gags! The newest Garfield will surely delight you!

PLOT: 9/10
Characters: 9/10
EDITION: 10/10
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