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We are entering phase 5.0 – review of the film “Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantomania”

The first Ant-Man movie didn’t herald the big show that was supposed to make the ant man popular. It turned out, however, that Paul Rudd and the team did a great job, and the quantum world won the hearts of many fans. However, until now we knew very little about him. It’s time to change that.


When the hero settles on his laurels

What can you expect from someone who wasn’t an Avenger from the beginning, and yet contributed the most to saving the world from the Thanos apocalypse (let’s agree that if it wasn’t for Scott Lang and the achievements of Hank Pym, half of humanity would not have been recovered)? Of course, he will continue to help and ensure safety on Earth. However, as it turns out, Scott only drinks the cream of his achievements, trying to make up for lost time with his daughter, who reminds him that he could do something else. The fact that if it wasn’t for this and a certain invention that allows him to penetrate into the deepest depths of the quantum dimension, Scott would probably rest on his laurels.

The best we’ve seen so far

It is worth praising how the quantum dimension is presented. It was a real rollercoaster ride, showing a multidimensional and multicolored world. I think that similar feelings accompanied the previous generations watching Star Wars or Mad Max for the first time , where the world of science fiction was completely strange, beautiful, scary, but also attractive. This time, however, it is not the world within our sight, but something “invisible to the naked eye”.

Jonathan Majors is the star of the show. The actor, who has already shown us his character in Loki , served us completely different variants of the same evil. This time we are dealing with a real tyrant who is a great strategist like Julius Caesar, a ruthless predator like Genghis Khan or a leader obsessed with the mania of going down in history like Adolf Hitler. Thanos could wash the feet of this evil.

Finally, let me mention Scott Lang, who does not disappoint, continues to make viewers laugh on the screen, and is slowly taking over the role of Captain America, as his solo adventures, like those of Steve Rogers, become a certain driving force for the MCU. In addition, the relationship Paul Rudd forged with Kathryn Newton as father and daughter was very convincing and heartwarming.

Little mishaps

If you are waiting for a Marvel movie that is similar to the others, you may be a little disappointed. There are more similarities to DC than to the MCU in this movie. An unsettling mood, a serious approach with a small number of jokes (I liked one and it was about quantum drunkenness). This movie is not just another superhero story. It’s also a pity that the end of the film wasn’t more dramatic for the main character, especially seeing Kang’s determination to exact revenge.

Another issue that can be very irritating is the character of MODOK. While his design is really interesting and fits into the solutions of the quantum dimension style, his personality seems to be stretched to certain scenes of the film. I have a similar problem with the character of Billy Murray, who literally made a small, meaningless and completely unfunny cameo, and after all, this actor is known for his comedic roles.

Finally, let me mention the new Cassie. Kathryn Newton played Scott’s daughter brilliantly, as I mentioned earlier, but as a character she lacked a certain clarity. If we compared her with Kate Bishop played by Hailee Steinfeld, she really lacks any superhero charisma.

In conclusion, it’s worth realizing that this movie will definitely stand out from the rest of the Marvel movies. I do not feel unsatisfied, because science fiction solutions regarding the quantum dimension, the character of my favorite Ant-Man and the dark style are something I expected. However, it may not be to everyone’s taste, so it’s worth setting yourself up for a completely different entertainment than before. .

Nasza ocena: 8/10

A beautiful spectacle, a great family story, a huge milestone in the MCU, but with minor mishaps.

PLOT: 0/10
Characters: 0/10
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