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“Warcraft” will appear on mobile phones!

Materiały promocyjne Blizzard Entertainment

Blizzard told us something new about the future of Warcraft franchise! And with it there’s an interesting sneak peak of a new title coming to mobile phones!

While the most important news for fans of the series is that Blizzard intends to reveal information about the next expansion for World of Warcraft  on April 19, and for Hearthstone next week, there is also information about the Warcraft mobile game at the bottom of the announcement . has been in preparation for several years and will be presented in May.

In addition to World of Warcraft and Hearthstone, we are preparing to hand over to you the first game in Warcraft Universe designed for mobile devices. Find out more in May – this is the official Blizzard announcement.

While the announcement that the mobile game Warcraft will be revealed in just two months may surprise some, there are indications that Blizzard Entertainment has been working on a mobile title for the series for years. A late-2018 report by Kotaku claimed that at least at that time, a Pokemon Go -styled mobile game Warcraft was being developed . Additionally, taking into account the announcement of Diablo Immortal , the mobile game in the Diablo series , the creation of  Warcraft  for mobile devices makes a lot of sense. As mentioned, there will be a lot of information coming out over the next few months regarding the games that take place on Azeroth. New Hearthstone Expansionsare scheduled to be released on March 15, and the World of Warcraft expansion pack will be announced on April 19.

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