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Unconventional Roguelite City Builder – “Kainga: Seeds of Civilization” Early Access Experience

After hours of great fun in Townscapera , I decided that it would be worth setting a little more challenge, which would be based mainly not on the creativity of the player, but on his strategic skills. By a lucky coincidence, there was an option to play an interesting title by Erik Rempen, which at the moment remains a rough diamond when it comes to games of this type.

What’s new in the next city builder?

The world of Kainga is unique, generated in a different way each time, filled with amazing beasts, changing weather conditions and generally many factors that aim to prevent boredom, and thus keep the player ready for all kinds of difficulties. The gameplay in Kainga is based primarily on single sessions, because you have to take into account that it is a roguelite strategy game – the collapse of our growing civilization is permanent.

We play the role of the Thinker – a community guide who is waiting for our instructions, hoping that we will guide it well. We start modestly, with a few inconspicuous characters who will gather resources and build an empire without unnecessary comments. After each “death” we have to start building a civilization from scratch, but the achievements in the technology tree that we have unlocked will be available to other Thinkers, so we will not be quickly discouraged after losing everything that we managed to achieve during a few hours’ session.

When it comes to the visual aspect, the game is extraordinary and very nice, although it definitely requires some polishing, especially when it comes to animations (in addition, I noticed that my eyes get tired quite quickly while playing, although of course it can be a strictly personal and other matter. players will not experience similar discomfort).

Key Early Access

Until recently, Kainga was available to testers in the beta version, and only this month it entered early access. Although the author made quite a lot of corrections between the beta version and the latest one, the game still has many bugs and shortcomings, which should be looked at with a pinch of salt and a great deal of understanding. Even though you’d really like to get something more specific, which is the pain of Early Access, I personally believe it’s crucial for this title, if only because it’s being written by one author who writes about Early Access like this:

There is a lot of content and features I plan to add to the game. The game will be released in an Early Access state with multiple content updates before the final release. During this time, my ear is open to the community, your feedback and suggestions.

As a rogue-lite, this game benefits from early access in that it can be fully playable in an earlier stage of development while content updates can maintain interest.

The title as a complete game is to be released in November this year.

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