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Two of those who made the chaff! – review of the comic book “Deadpool vs. Old Man Logan”

Wolverine and Deadpool’s relationship is certainly one of the complicated ones. Weapon X and XI collaborated, hated each other, supported, killed and feasted. However, that is no longer the case. This time, Wade Wilson meets an antiquated version of Logan from an alternate reality. What will come of it?

Where Xavier can’t …

With the help of Cerebro, Professor Charles Xavier has just detected a new, extremely powerful mutant named Maddie, who is in great danger. Genform Enterprises is on its trail, intending to catch the girl and test her, and then make a weapon out of her. Old Man Logan is sent to the rescue, who knows very well what a confinement in a laboratory is. Along the way, quite by accident, he runs into Deadpool. A mercenary with a winding decides to join the game and save Maddie himself. The two heroes first come into conflict and then join forces.

A one-time adventure?

The author of the comic book Deadpool vs. Old Man Loganis Declan Shalvey, an artist who previously used to mainly illustrate notebooks. This time it was decided to entrust him with creating a script for the so-called “Single-family members”. It introduces the character of Maddie, a mutant who can teleport items. Thanks to his abilities, he can even throw a truck or an airplane over someone’s head. However, she is a supporting character – the most important are, of course, the title characters. Wade Wilson and Wolverine have worked together in the past. For many years they were the strength of the X-Force group. Their relations were different. Logan was usually hostile to his colleague and often insulted or ignored him. Deadpool was able to bite back, of course, and very often he wanted to prove that he was just as good, and maybe even better than Wolverine. More than once it has looked like a struggle between two brothers, only more bloody. And it is no different in this notebook. The gentlemen jump at each other’s throats, but they can unite in the face of danger.

The plot created by Shalvey is quite simple, although the author himself tries to introduce a bit of mystery to it. Therefore, at the beginning, we do not fully know who Maddie is, what she can do and what her past looked like. Flashback inserts are to discover her story piece by piece, and at the same time show that she connects with the characters of Logan and Deadpool. In reality, however, we get a decent riot, in which blood is pouring copiously, and the next parts of the severed body fly around the frames. And frankly, it’s better than the memories of the mutant. One may even be tempted to say that its plot is unnecessarily interrupted by the capital beheading of the title characters. From the beginning, there is a spark between them, and the reader can feel it and be drawn into the story. And to smile again and again thanks to the hilarious lines of Wade,

Somewhere between …

The script for Deadpool vs. Old Man Logan is not great, but it can be considered correct and quite interesting. The same is with the graphics page created by Mike Henderson. There are no fireworks here that would guarantee the artist an award, but the recipient will not be disappointed either. The illustrator used a clear and slightly austere line here. In many cases, the background or detailed facial expressions of the characters are missing. In return, we get a lot of action and focus on what Wolverine and Wilson are doing. And they hack more enemies while Henderson throws their severed heads and limbs left and right. It also strongly accentuates the liters of blood poured out. So he manages to capture exactly what the screenwriter focused on. You can see the gentlemen got along well and played together. Maybe even better than Deadpool and Logan?

There will be more?

One- man Deadpool vs. Old Man Logan is the first story in the Marvel 2.0 series, in which the heroes have the opportunity to meet each other. I must admit that it fares quite well. You can feel the chemistry between the characters, hectoliters of blood flow, and the gentlemen amuse us with their taunts. However, they completely overshadow Maddie, a mutant who may stay in the House of Ideas for a longer time. Her story may not be bad, but Wade and Wolverin draw attention to each other and could actually save anyone, and it would be interesting anyway. It should be added, however, that the girl also has her moment and has potential for the future. Personally, however, I would prefer to meet Wolverine and Mercenary again with a reel and check how their fates went together.

Nasza ocena: 6/10

Deadpool vs. Old Man Logan is not an outstanding comic book, but it is certainly a good one. Humor and relations between the characters compensate for the weaker storyline.

Characters: 8/10
STORY: 6/10
EDITION: 6.5/10
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