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Top 5 fathers from the world of animation


A villain, a village chief, a good peasant or a hero who saves the city – regardless of the role they play, the Dads have been in animations for many years. Here is a completely subjective compilation of the five of them who are the BEST in the selected categories.

The funniest

Genma Saotome ∈ Ranma ½ ”

Few people can still remember the anime from which this character is derived. The man appeared in an animation from the 80s and 90s (based on the manga). Genma is the father of the main character – Ranma – and, like his son, is cursed by a curse he earned while training with his offspring in Jusenkyo, China. This curse is terrible, and more precisely terribly funny, because it causes a man to be poured with cold water to turn him into a huge and cute panda. In the anime, we have the opportunity to watch Genma many times in the form of this bear who, for example, sweeps the dojo. The scenes when he tries to say something are fantastic and he simply cannot, because of his animal form, so he only has to communicate with funny facial expressions or tablets with inscriptions taken from behind his back. Being a panda He even gets a job at a clinic (do you feel the absurdity of the situation?), which causes even more funny scenes with his participation. If you don’t know this title, be sure to watch it!


The most childish

Tata Gumballa „The Amazing World of Gumball”

Richard Buckley Watterson, as Gumball’s full parent is called, is (according to data found on the internet) a 43-year-old pink rabbit. After his little shrewd face, one can begin to suspect that he is not the most serious being, and when he opens his mouth, we are completely sure of it. His job is to be a full-time dad, so he sleeps a lot, watches TV and plays games. He’s silly, but he is also cute. Although no one takes him seriously, everyone knows he cares about his family. Thanks to his naive approach to the world and failure to understand certain rules, he can, for example: order a pizza and get a toy for it (even though the pizzeria does not offer them), cry that he has to pass a part of the parking lot to get to a shopping mall (“I’m crying because i’m gonna have to walk now! “), or start hugging strangers in the street, going to court and hugging the judge. It’s true that a cute dad?


The most overprotective

Drakula from Hotel Transylvania “Hotel Transylvania”

Dracula definitely beats every father I know about being overprotective. This is not a big surprise, as as a single parent he became twice as attached to his only daughter. The fact that he is a strong, dominant and charismatic individual who simply likes to have everything under control does not help either. Fortunately, over time, he realizes that Mavis’s happiness is the most important.


The most dedicated

Mufasa „The Lion King”

Can you sacrifice yourself more than Mufasa? This father died because he decided to save his son (Damn you, Scar!). In life, a dignified king and a warm, loving parent who communicated the right values ​​(“We are all joined in the great circle of life.”), And after death, a supernatural being who made sure that the son walked the right path (“Remember who you are!” ).


Most daddy

Moomin Dad “Moomin”

Before you, a dreamer, a romantic with a cylinder and a cane. Some say that before the birth of the Moomin, he was probably called Moomin himself (after which he became a daddy!). This father grew up in an orphanage he left to explore the world and experience adventures. However, from the moment he started a family, he became a responsible philosopher who loves art and writing diaries. As befits a real dad, he knows everything and likes to advise others. This dad is even called Dad, so he definitely had to be on my chart.


Which fathers from animation are the best in your opinion? Be sure to let me know in the comments!

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