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Today is the anniversary of the premiere of the 2006 film “Prestiż”

Only the stars appeared in the movie “Prestiż”. The picture received good reviews and two Oscar nominations, and tells the story of a duel between two talented magicians. It is full of non-obvious and curiosities. Are you looking carefully?

This movie, when it comes to the cast, is like a box of chocolates, a different flavor is pulled out every time. Starring Christian Bale, Hugh Jackman, Scarlett Johansson, and Michael Caine. David Bowie himself appeared as Nikola Tesla, and was directed by the famous Christopher Nolan. Additionally, the lovely Piper Perabo stars as Angier’s wife, and Andy Serkis (Gollum!) As Alley. Nolan has already worked with Bale and Cain on Batman.

The description of the plot does not seem too complicated. Two rival magicians, death that changes everything and a game that ends… strangely. Angier (Jackman) is a showman, Borden (Bale) is a natural magical talent, but does not do well on stage. When Angier’s wife dies during the show, he blames Borden for it. Additionally, they both want to be the first in the magical arts. Each of the two main characters has something the other does not. Their rivalry is getting more and more dangerous and bloody … But the real magician here is Nolan.

There is magic, tricks and secrets, death, revenge, twists and a great cast. What more could you want? The second, or maybe the third layer below the surface … The film is like a Russian matryoshka – the viewer discovers one secret, and another one awaits underneath. Did Tesla invent the cloning machine or was it a time travel transporter? Is it all just a story trick?

Below are some other tidbits for the watchful.

1. Ricky Jay plays the role of the magician Milton in the film. He was the one who taught Bale and Jackman to do tricks.

2. The main characters are Alfred Borden and Robert Angier. And their initials make up … the word ABRA.

3 . The name Angier sounds similar to “anger” or anger. Borden is a distorted “burden”, and it means a burden, a burden.

4. As we all know, Nikola Tesla really existed. However, not everyone knows that he had a laboratory in Colorado Springs where he conducted his experiments. Some pictures for Prestige were filmed in the same city .

5. In the movie, Borden is known as “The Professor”. In real life, this nickname belonged to Dai Vernon, a Canadian magician known for his very skillful hands.

If you watched the movie, watch it again. With the knowledge of the above facts, you will look at this picture a little differently. Maybe today – on the occasion of the anniversary – you will find a moment to remember it?

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