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There’s nothing here… but blood – a review of the comic book “Elektra. Black, White and Blood”

electra. Black, White and Blood is another volume showing the Marvel superhero in three colors. Will we get to know the new face of Elektra thanks to this collective release?


Fight against demons and vampires

electra. Black, White and Blood is a collection of twelve stories created by various authors. Usually, in such a case, it is difficult to clearly evaluate such a work, because the stories are on a different level. Surprisingly, Elektra is unfortunately an infamous exception. Because all the collected comics are, in my opinion, equally average. None particularly impressed me. In fact, after a month, I think I’ll remember possibly two stories. In rit é, the action centers on police officers who try to discover who murdered lawyer Wilson Fisk . The camera footage is key. This comic has a hint of horror stories in it and you may like it. The second most interesting work is Forces that are not you get it because the brilliantly illustrated Ghost Rider appears there. By the way, in the Black, White and Blood series , I would love to see a part dedicated to him! The other stories are readable and forgotten. Among them we have a duel between Elektra and vampires or Black Widow. Not a single word is spoken in Yokai , but the dialogues would not defend the story in which the protagonist arrives in the village, sets off in pursuit of the monster, kills it and takes the girl home. You just read and forget because the stories are so bland. Most stories lack any depth. The short form is not easy and in my opinion the artists did not cope with the task. In the part devoted to Carnagethere were a few gems, including a great paragraph comic showing the destructive influence of the symbiote on the host, and there is absolutely nothing special about Elektra . Efforts were made to show her from different sides, so not only as a killer, but also as a lover or mother, but this is definitely not enough.

The bloody face of a killer

The advantage of such collections is variety. I enjoyed watching the various techniques used by individual cartoonists. In V é rit é, we watch television and review camera recordings together with the protagonist. All in all, the scenes with the entire TV housing are even funny , and what is most important is happening on the screen, in an even smaller frame. The cartoonist of Red Dawn showed Elektra in truly beautiful and dramatic scenes as she faces a whole bunch of nasty vampires. The Japanese monstrosities in The Killer also look disgusting . m Elektra’s acabre trophy looks like it has a life of its own. And of course, the aforementioned Ghost Raider stole the show in Forces You Ca n’t Understand . So in terms of graphics there is something to keep an eye on, I think that everyone will find something for themselves here. As for the edition, apart from a minor typo, I didn’t find any major flaws. There are some amazing and very gory covers at the end of the volume.

Is it worth coming face to face with Elektra?

In my opinion, the volume with Carnage fared much better. Elektra, like other parts of this series, can attract readers’ attention with a variety of graphics. I enjoyed watching various artistic treatments. But unfortunately, in terms of story, I didn’t find anything interesting here. It wasn’t bad, but it lacked at least one very good story. I even thought that thanks to this comic I would be interested in the character of Elektra, but unfortunately she was presented in an extremely clichéd and bland way.

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