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There is no cure for a vampire bite, especially if it was an ant – a review of the comic book “Moomins”, vol. 4

The fourth part of the abstract world of comic Moomins once again provides us with a full range of amazing and humorous adventures. Vampires, fighting with the TV or the seaside boarding house Ryjka are just a few things you can expect.


Another part of the series of collective editions of comic books about Moominsis again a compilation of ten stories by Tove Jansson’s brother Lars. This time, Snout comes up with the idea of ​​starting a business on the beach. The summer resort seems to be an interesting option, until the young businessman is overwhelmed by logistics and organizational issues and high customer expectations. After Snout’s meltdown, the vicinity of the Moomins’ hometown is haunted by the commissioner’s nephew – an extremely tiring individual who usually directs his interests in the wrong direction (annoying everyone around). In the third comic, we meet Migotka’s competitor for the status of a damsel in distress – a real actress. Moomin’s partner is not delighted with the situation, but in the end there is no situation that a fight would not solve. In the next story, Nieboraczek shows himself from a new side – in the role of a wife and unexpectedly also a father, later, Snout comes up with the idea of ​​starting a sports equipment store (you can guess how it ends). Mimbli’s new ring, leading to many unwise decisions, is story number six, after which the topic of bloodthirsty creatures – vampires – enters the scene. Adventures with the TV, backwardness and aunt Jane complete this collection (by the way, demonstrating the artist’s slightly changed style of drawing).

Delicious mozzarella … or the Moomins

Lars Jansson once again provides us with excellent stories with a lot of unusual, abstract decisions and behaviors and of course comical dialogues and facial expressions. There is nothing in this comic that I would criticize, because it fully hit my reading taste. While reading, you can laugh, slap your forehead a few times, and even get annoyed with infantilism or unreasonable behavior – it’s really diverse! The characters consistently stick to the characters entrusted to them, and new individuals bring a lot of confusion, which most often frustrates Moomin Daddy. Fans of Bobek should be pleased, because he appears several times, as well as the aforementioned Snout. As with the previous volumes, it is worth noting that these comics will be appreciated more by adults or older teenagers than by children.

A beauty worth noting

In my opinion, the set of four volumes of comic books about Moomins is a real treat both in terms of release and content. Every fan of these white trolls should buy them as soon as possible, and readers with pleasure reaching for funny and abstract stories will not be disappointed in this case. In my opinion, Moomins in the comic edition show a new, incredibly interesting side, so I am happy to recommend them to your attention once again.

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