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“The Witches of Kiev” premiered today!

The Witches of Kiev  are like an alternative guide, in which descriptions of the real city are wrapped in a thread of weirdness. The author presents her vision of Kiev.

The capital of magic and witchcraft opens its doors to you – let yourself be carried away on an extraordinary journey …

Kyiv with its four hills in the center has always been the most important point of Slavic witchcraft. Belief in magic is deeply rooted in the Ukrainian mentality, and every third woman in this city has a practicing witch, shaman or healer among her relatives or ancestors. Kyiv is not only the capital of the Orthodox Church. It is also the capital of magic.

Masha, a shy and intelligent history student who still lives with her parents and is reading Master and Margarita. Dasza, an eccentric singer from a nightclub, an exuberant and slightly naive artist, who is hardly surprising, and almost all happy. Katia, a successful businesswoman, cold, lonely and deep in her heart full of desire for love.

Three young women living in modern Kiev meet for the first time by chance, at the moment of the death of a real witch. Unexpectedly, her powers take over. It changes the lives of each of them. Spells and broomstick flights over the domes of Kiev churches begin. Hot blood rushes through his veins, and a shaggy gentleman of suspect provenance bows down before them, grinning under his black nose.

Ritual murders take place in the capital of witchcraft, and suspicion falls on Masha’s father. No more jokes – you have to intervene. A real demon has returned to Kiev and only three novice witches are able to save the city from the curse and another murder. An investigation begins, the results of which will intimidate everyone.

Kiev witches need to get to know themselves. And save your city. Lada Łuzina tempts readers with a detailed portrait of contemporary and historical Kiev, where the real world is barely distinguishable from the world of magic.

The Insignis publishing house presents the first volume of the series, which was a spectacular success in Ukraine and made the author standing behind it popular. The magic of Kiev is more literal than ever. And within the reach of anyone who dares to open the pages of this novel …

Lada Łuzina was born in 1972 in Kiev. After graduating from an architectural vocational school, she worked as a restorer at the department of architectural monuments in Kiev.

She studied at the Kiev National University of Theater, Cinema and Television, which enabled her to work as a theater critic for the newspaper “Bulwar Gordona”. At the end of the 1990s, she not only received the award for the best Ukrainian journalist, but also turned the eyes of the whole country to herself as a scandalist.

For a year she produced her own program for the first channel of Ukrainian television, before – after a long illness – she interrupted her journalistic career to become the most popular Ukrainian writer (she received the “Golden Phoenix” award for the best writer).

Her studies of magic, religion and the history of Kiev influenced both her literary work and the author’s column “Sex in the Big City of Kiev”. Hailed by the Ukrainian press as one of the most beautiful women in Ukraine, Lada Luzina lives in Kiev.

You can buy the book here .

And here’s an excerpt to encourage you even more:


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