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The trailer and poster of the film “The Possession Game” were presented

The Possession Game takes place in a snow-covered girls’ boarding school on Christmas Eve 1971. The film combines occult, slasher and horror themes to create an unpredictable and thrilling ride.


Director-producer Jenn Wexler’s second feature, The Sacrifice Game , continues her passion for creating unpredictable narratives centered around teenagers . The Possession Game, however, departs from the anarchist 80s punk rock spirit of her directorial debut The Ranger , changing tone and era to examine friendship in the face of a demonic invasion of a boarding house during the Christmas break from school. Narrative twists, characters challenging our perceptions, and classic slasher-style bloodletting create a devilishly entertaining effect

– says Meagan Navarro from “Bloody Disgusting”

The Possession Game is in cinemas from December 25

About the film: Schoolgirls Samantha and Clara are left alone for Christmas in a remote school boarding school. They will soon come face to face with a group of fanatical murderers who intend to carry out a bloody ritual of summoning a demon in this secluded area. They are ready to kill anyone who can prevent them from doing so. However, they do not expect that the two teenagers may turn out to be very difficult opponents. Whose soul will be placed on the altar of evil this night?

Directed by Jenn Wexler

Cast: Mena Massoud, Olivia Scott Welch, Gus Kenworthy , Chloe Levine.

Genre: horror

Production: USA 2023

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