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The Special Adventures of Scrooge McDuck – review of the comic book “Return to the Plain of Horrors. Donald Duck and Uncle Sknerus “, vol. 2

Kaczogród Carl Barks is not the only item to be issued in Poland by Egmont, the Disney ducks in the lead role. For several months now, we have been watching the works of Barks’ student, Don Rosa.

Don Rosa and his vision

In March, the second of the ten volumes of the complete collection of Don Rosa, who continued the legacy of the creator of the duck universe, Barks, was released. The new collection is completely different from the one that has been present on our market for over a year. In individual volumes with the works of the Kentucky illustrator, we can find more information about the artist’s work, his life, a large handful of original covers, as well as concept sketches. It is an edition that makes proper use of all the archives available for publishing.

As for the stories created by the author, you can definitely say that they are crazy and funny. Of course, these comics are also full of jokes characteristic of the end of the last century. However, Rosa retained the traditional approach to legendary figures such as Scrooge and Donald. However, ducks seem to be bigger travelers than they were in the 1940s, 1950s and 1960s. In this volume, McDuck and his nephew go, among others, in search of the Egyptian god Sebek, then to Peru, where there is a peculiar cubist land where all the inhabitants are dressed like Donald, and also to France.

Duck treasure

All Rosa’s stories, including those in the latest volume, published by Egmont, are filled to the brim with detail. From the facial expressions of the characters, to the lumps of buildings, the rustling of tree leaves, or even a flock of crocodiles. There is also a lot of color, which is a characteristic feature of every frame of the continuator of the Barks mission.

However, what impresses me the most, I have left for the end. In the comic, we have a sample from a series of old Duck Tales , which were not very popular in Poland. One of the stories was written by Don Rosa himself, and the story, despite the lack of epic drawings, is really interesting (for the turn of the 1980s and 1990s). The second issue is the aforementioned additions in the form of the author’s commentary to individual stories, extending the cognitive context. The last thing, and a crown jewel at the same time, is the story with Miki and Goofy, published in the form of the original sketches of the draftsman. Something amazing. Of course, the dialogues were translated into Polish and placed as footnotes at the bottom of the page.

Immerse yourself in the treasure trove of adventures

As many pop culture connoisseurs emphasize, this album is dominated by debuts. What? You will find out when you reach for the new volume of Rosa. One thing is for sure! One cannot be disappointed when reading his works. We get perfectly polished drawings and brilliant stories that you will not find on TV and on the Internet.

Nasza ocena: 10/10

Do you prefer Barks or Rose? There is no choice here, you must have both jobs, my dear duckling!

Characters: 10/10
STORY: 10/10
EDITION: 10/10
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