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The sorcerer’s apprentice – review of the comic book “Atelier of pointy hats” vol. 2-4

The beginning of the Atelier of pointed hats charms with drawings and encourages you to explore the magical world. It only gets better next!

The atelier of pointed hats is a fantasy series that is extremely pleasant to read, and it is especially aesthetically pleasing. The characters, creatures and places look really impressive. Each page of the manga has been drawn with great care, and many of the illustrations are so intricately made that you want to stay longer with them. The story is also interesting. Kamome Shirahama’s manga has something of the spirit of Ursula K. Le Guin’s Earthsea series and some Studio Ghibli films (such as Kiki’s Sky Mail) . It will definitely also appeal to young Harry Potter fans who are looking for stories with more interesting characters.

“Atelier of pointed hats” – sample manga pages

The development of the story and dispelled doubts

After reading the first volume of Koko’s adventures, I had mixed feelings about the level of the script and the characteristics of the supporting characters. Quiffrey’s students and the magician himself seemed very sketchy. I was also wondering if the plot of Atelier of pointed hats would turn out to be banal. The next three volumes of the manga largely dispelled my fears. Kamome Shirahama, typical of Japanese comics, tells her story slowly and needs more space to deepen the personality of the characters. The author rose to the occasion and proved that the story and characters presented in Atelier … are carefully thought out, like magic circles created by experienced wizards.

Mangaczka at an equal pace reveals to the readers successive layers of intrigue and various aspects of the presented world. However, the more or less surprising situations in which he places his heroes are not only used to advance the plot, but most of all to deepen their personality, present their stories and motivate them. Shirahama also develops the relationship between the protagonist and other characters. Thanks to this, both Koko’s friends and their guardian become more nuanced and interesting beings than in the first chapters.

“Atelier of pointed hats” – sample manga pages

Little blemishes and nice touches

In terms of the script, the manga looks very good, but there are still elements that could have been done better. Several times, there are quite unnatural dialogues or internal monologues that serve only the exposure. The behavior of some characters also seems unreliable. An example is the Order of Magical Order, whose modus operandi was completely incomprehensible to me, even taking into account the radical rules of wizards. However, these are minor drawbacks that do not affect the reception of the comic book.

At the end of the volumes there is a place for some additional content, including descriptions of plants and animals found in the Atelier . Not a big deal, but it always allows you to systematize the knowledge about the world presented. The most unusual bonus is a short story narrated by a brush – a nice creature that describes the reality of the comic from its point of view.

“Atelier of pointed hats” – sample manga pages

A fantastic story in a fantastic setting

Initially, I was concerned that the Atelier of the Pointed Hats might turn out to be a beautifully illustrated shell with a paper world and boring heroines. After reading the four volumes, I can say that Kamome Shirahama’s manga is not only great to watch, but also a pleasure to read.

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