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The Great Solution – a review of the comic book “Descender. War of the Machines”, vol. 6

Descender’s ending is moving and surprising. In fact, from the first pages of the sixth volume of the cycle, it turns out that many things look different than we could have expected. The whole thing is undoubtedly satisfying for the reader.


Past and present

The opening of the last installment of the series may surprise you a bit. The authors take us back in time. However, it is not a question of a year, a decade or even a century. We go back four millennia. In fact, this part could be a completely separate story. New characters appear, the realities are different, and the plot is completely different.

The whole thing is definitely simpler than what we are used to. However, there is no reason to be surprised here – the creators treat it only as a quick explanation of their ideas. We only get as much information as seems necessary to understand the main core of the story. This retrospective leaves somewhat mixed feelings. On the one hand, it looks less interesting than Descender as a whole. On the other hand, however, it briefly presents what we need to know to understand the authors’ intention. The small volume is an advantage – we are not knocked out of the main plot, but this comes at the price of a relatively weaker plot.


War of the Machines is perhaps the most moving volume of the entire series. One could accuse the creators of using simple tricks on human emotions in several places, but is this a flaw? The comic was designed to evoke specific feelings and it does. We do not get cheesy plays here, but at most simple and proven solutions that cause such and no other reactions.

It is somewhat surprising that although the robots are much more human here than at the beginning of the series, the ethical considerations about them have disappeared somewhere. Perhaps the authors have exhausted the idea and are simply continuing the story, assuming readers have drawn their own conclusions.

Breathtaking graphics

In reviews of previous volumes, I have mentioned Descender’s graphics more than once . However, it is not something that can be overlooked. Dustin Nguyen’s work is truly breathtaking. Of course, not every drawing is perfect. Many of them leave much to be desired. However, the artist knows exactly what he is doing. Where it matters, he creates amazing images that are memorable. Elsewhere, the drawings are only a background – a visual complement to the story being told.

The sixth volume is full of contrasts. We will find almost white frames in which the scenes are only slightly outlined, but we will also find refined, very expressive color illustrations that fill up to two full pages. When necessary, we can see numerous details, but when it is not necessary, the background can be completely missed.

It should also be mentioned that some of the drawings are disturbing. The transience and delicacy of watercolors are very good at creating an atmosphere. Dustin Nguyen efficiently uses their advantages to disturb the recipient.

A worthy end to the series

War of the Machines definitely closes Descender perfectly . The characters (previously well drawn) gain extra depth. The plot is at a high level, and the graphic volume climbs to the heights. After reading it, you don’t feel any regret for the time spent. The only thing that comes up is sadness that the story has come to an end, but it’s not that bad…

…because on the last pages we get an introduction to the continuation of the story. Ascender , because we are talking about him, promises to be interesting, but a completely different story should be expected. One can hope, however, that it will be just as compelling.

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