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The fundraiser for “Never Ending Dungeon” is over!

7 hours – this was the time needed by the creators of Never Ending Dungeon for their project to be funded! However, the Kickstarter fundraiser took much longer! How many have you collected and what achievements to unlock?

Never Ending Dungeon is a tool that will surely be appreciated by all fans of paper RPGs. With its help you will be able to play online or create maps for such titles as Dungeons & Dragons or Warhammer . The program also works with Roll20, which will certainly make its use much easier. The fundraiser for this wonderful project lasted a month on Kickstarter . After a few hours, it was certain that it would be realized. Ultimately, however, over $ 371,000 was raised! This astronomical amount allowed you to unlock such extras as:

In addition, people who have supported Never Ending Dungeon will receive, depending on the amount deposited, bonuses in the form of:

As you can see, everything looks great! So it only remains to wait until we can enter the Endless Dungeon ourselves!

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