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The director of “The Witcher 3” leaves CD Projekt Red, mobbing in the background

Konrad Tomaszkiewicz, known for directing the hit CD Projekt Red – The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt , passed away after years of working for the studio. The decision is related to the latest allegations of mobbing.


CD Projekt Red has investigated the matter. As a result of the work of a special commission, the director was found to be innocent. Despite this, Tomaszkiewicz decided to leave the team, which he informed about in an e-mail addressed to other employees. The decision was previously agreed with the management of CD Projekt Red.

Although the director was acquitted of the charges, he decided to apologize to his subordinates. Being aware that some of them might feel discomfort or fear while working with him, he apologized

for all the bad blood he caused

and expressed a willingness to work on himself to change behavior. But it didn’t take long for reactions to follow that decision. This is best illustrated by the sudden drop in CD Projekt’s quotations, which the company had already struggled with. Even the average stock market observer cannot overlook this.

Konrad Tomaszkiewicz also worked on Cyberpunk 2077 , acting as the second director and head of production. As you know from media reports and the opinions of the players themselves, the production did not start well and still required many updates after the premiere. The situation was so bad that the title has disappeared from PlayStation Store and still has not come back. Despite these problems, Cyberpunk 2077 turned out to be a success.

The director was to work on the next installment of The Witcher . This will not be possible at present.

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