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The beginning of the fight for the survival of mankind – impressions from the presentation of the game “Outriders”

Recently, the presentation of the latest project from the People Can Fly studio took place in Warsaw. It will be the first title from Warsaw to be released by Square Enix after the studio was dismantled from Epic Games. The creators promise that their work combines the best elements of various game genres. So how does Outriders look  ten months before the premiere? Is there a chance that it will be another Polish hit that will conquer foreign markets? You can read a little about it in our text.


Organizational success

Before we get to the game itself, it is worth saying a few words about the whole event. It took place at the Butelkownia in Centrum Praskie Koneser. The organizers did their best to provide all participants with the best possible conditions to get to know the game. Everyone got a chance to outplay Outriders  on top-class equipment, starting with computers, through monitors, and ending with smaller peripheries. In addition, there were also, among others a presentation during which the developers talked about their game and a question and answer session. Of course, the highlight of the day was hands-on  with production. Here, everyone could count on the support of people from People Can Fly in using the game and gameplay recording software.

What is it eaten?

Let’s move on to what is most important, i.e. Outriders. The title is a combination of a third-person shooter with a cooperation function and an RPG. What RPG elements have been introduced? Each player can create their own hero and develop it within one of the available classes. At the time of production, there will be four, but so far three have been revealed and made available for use: Pyromancer, Trickster and Devastator. Each class has its own unique abilities and allows for a different style of play. Trickster is a kind of assasin, an assassin who manipulates space-time. He can, for example, teleport or slow down enemies. The Pyromancer, as the name suggests, uses fire as its main weapon. It is a great character for mid-range combat, whose abilities can hit several opponents at the same time. Devastator is a typical tank that goes in the front line and attracts the attention of as many opponents as possible. His abilities include hardening your body to reduce the damage taken, or a powerful jump attack that allows you to shorten the distance to enemies. Each class also has its own skill tree that the player can develop in the direction of his choice. In addition, we also get full freedom in choosing the equipment we want to use. It also affects the appearance of our character.

Into space for unsuccessful rescue

Outriders it is not only shooting at enemies and leveling up, but also a story. The action of the game takes place in the future. Our planet has ceased to be habitable and that is why humanity set out to the stars on a colonization mission. Our hero is the so-called outrider, a member of a group of designated soldiers to prepare the new world to bring civilians and all their equipment to its surface. Unfortunately, the chosen planet turns out to be less friendly than everyone initially thought. It has a supernatural phenomenon called Anomaly. It can destroy or change the life forms it comes into contact with. This is how we get the abilities that you read about earlier. In order to survive the first encounter with the Anomaly, our character falls into hibernation and wakes up more than 30 years later. Upon awakening, we discover

New and yet familiar

The demo provided by the developers focused on the very beginning of the game (more or less the first three hours together with additional missions). During this time, I came to several conclusions. First of all, the game is the most enjoyable in co-op mode. Especially when each player chooses a different character class, thanks to which they will become an efficiently functioning war machine in combat. Playing solo is also not bad, but it is definitely not as satisfying as assembling a team and fighting your enemies together. In addition, the choice of weapons, although completely arbitrary, is ultimately forced by our class and style of play (although this is not a special surprise). The plot, or in fact its outline, is not a new and original topic, but at least at the beginning it was well led. The longer I playedOutriders  the more I understood what this title is, specifically the so-called loot shooter . Over time, more and more chests with equipment appeared on the map, and more armor and weapons dropped from the defeated enemies. After understanding what I was playing, I started to feel like I had returned to Borderlands . Although the two productions are obviously different, the comparisons cannot be avoided. It is possible that in the future there will be a duel between the two brands and Polish production will not necessarily be perceived as the favorite in it. For now, however, it makes no sense to prejudge this.

The future is a mystery

Returning to the question of whether Outriders  has a chance of becoming a hit, my answer is that I do not know. The game definitely has a lot of potential. If the final product turns out to be as good as the creators promise, we can have another worthy representative in the field of electronic entertainment on the global market. The expectations are certainly considerable, and taking into account the production cycle lasting more than four years, they are growing more and more. We will have to wait until December 2020 for what comes out of this project. This is when Outriders will reach customers and everyone will be able to judge whether it was worth the wait. Of course, the game will debut on computers, as well as on the new generation consoles – PS5 and Xbox Series X. PS4 and Xbox One users will also get their version.

We would like to thank Cenega for the invitation

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