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Television or VOD services – what to choose?

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Watching movies, series and TV programs is one of the most popular forms of entertainment, which has not been reserved exclusively for television for many years. It is influenced by the development of the Internet, which has become an interesting alternative to the classic TV programming. Today, there are dozens of VOD services on the web that try to attract users with the number of available productions or live broadcasts. Television itself has also partially moved to virtual reality, which can be seen, for example, in the number of broadcasting channels online. So how to choose a service that will meet all our expectations?


When is it worth choosing classic TV?

Classic television, despite the passage of years, is doing quite well and there is no indication that it will be completely replaced by the increasingly popular VOD services. Still, in almost every house or apartment we can find a TV set that most often allows you to play cable TV. The programming of most TV channels includes, among others, news, entertainment, movies and series. We can also find music or thematic channels. It is worth remembering that in this case we are somewhat dependent on  the tv program – a schedule that specifies the hours of broadcasting specific productions. Often we will also be forced to watch advertising blocks, which are presented both during the break between programs and during them. Television is also more and more willing to operate in a symbiosis with the Internet and allows you to watch TV channels online (for example via a computer, phone or tablet). However, the network is divided and ruled by streaming services and VOD services, which are also becoming more and more popular in our country. What influences the huge interest in this type of portals?

What attracts us to VOD services?

VOD services in our country debuted a few years ago and are still growing in popularity. It is enough to mention services such as Netflix, HBO Max, Player or Disney Plus. Users praise the ability to watch materials on request, without having to watch commercials. All this, of course, after paying the appropriate fee (usually by connecting a payment card), but also in this case you can count on relatively low prices and clear methods of monthly settlements. A huge advantage is also the huge multimedia libraries, in which we can find both film and series classics, as well as popular novelties that have recently appeared on the screens of cinemas. In most cases, we can also watch them without access to the network (offline), Before that, however, they should be downloaded to the internal memory of our computer or phone. It is also worth mentioning that streaming services more and more often allow you to watch live events (for example football matches) or follow the previously mentioned online TV channels.

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