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Summary of the Magic Games for the Golden Staff of the Last Tavern

The Magic Games for the Golden Staff of the Last Tavern are over. So it’s time for a small summary.

Our Games were attended by 128 mages, sorceresses, druids, witches and warlocks from a wide variety of fantasy universes and more! We started the game on April 3 with a duel between Arnold Löwefell and Rincewind. From then on, fans were able to vote and cheer on their favorites for over two months. We will surely remember such clashes as Yennefer versus Saruman, where about 11,000 votes were cast, or the semi-final between Severeus Snape and Xardas, won by the former by only 13 votes. Considering that nearly 10,000 fans voted, the advantage was really small. The fans also fell in love with and will certainly not forget Grandma, a character from the ranch serieswhich nobody expected, and which made a real sensation. On the basis of her fight with a representative of the Gothic series , even a comic was created, and even Mrs. Grażyna Zielińska, an actress impersonating this character, joined in cheering the Wyrt-woman. Ultimately, however, there was no surprise. The Golden Staff took the favorite, which from the very beginning was unbeatable and did not fall below 63% of the votes in a single match. It was, of course, the hero created by JRR Tolkien or Gandalf. Congratulations to him once again!

If you want to check how each round went and who took part in our game, see this post .

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