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“Starfield” – players leave no stone unturned on Bethesda

“It’s funny that the clock in the game shows everything except the time”, “at the end of the cave I found… shit…”, “graphics outweigh the content”. It’s easy to find various negative opinions about Bethesda’s new game.

You can also easily find positive opinions, of course. However, positive reviews from gaming journalists still come with a heavy “but”. The game has so many problems that it’s hard to choose the biggest one. That’s why we’ve prepared for you a compilation of game bugs reported by reviewers and players in recent weeks.

We have some news from Reddit players – the player character likes to look left or right until the end of the game. It doesn’t affect gameplay, but it must be weird to see characters from behind. One player was chased by a tiny asteroid for thirty hours. Players complain about the lack of a radio in the game, the lack of vehicles on many planets, and the unintuitive menu. The animals trip over their own feet and fall down the hill on their claws, breaking their spines. There’s quite a bit of it, the most popular posts from reddit Starfield are basically a big gallery of the game’s problems.

Reviewers also like to laugh at crap. After entering the phrase “Starfield” on YouTube, the first three videos I saw had thumbnails with the words: “I’m not buying this game”, “Bethesda is Dead” and “Good after fifty hours”. Listening to their opinions, you can hear similar accusations as those of the players, although they are better formulated and more general, but it is clear that the players did not ignore these problems. However, reviewers believe that the game is bug-free and this is the biggest difference between the opinions of players and the opinions of journalists.

There are also good reviews, don’t be fooled by a biased article – there are a lot of them, and the game probably takes a beating from Bethesda’s previous productions, as if the reviewers hadn’t finished spitting on the last Fallout yet and decided that Starfield had flaws so it was worth spitting on. However, if you look at the number of copies sold, the game is doing quite well – it is the fifth biggest premiere of this year. Is this due to the admittedly negative, but still extensive, marketing that brought the game to the Internet, or the high price of the game? Or maybe the game is just good and the critics went crazy? We don’t know that.

It seems that the game is perceived differently by everyone depending on what games they have played before, what expectations they have and what they value most in games. It’s hard to say clearly whether this game is good or bad, and reviewers’ opinions aren’t even polarized – they’re random. Some people praise this game for its exploration, while others hate it the most. Where lies the truth? It’s hard to find another game surrounded by such a dense information storm.

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