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“Star Wars: Ahsoka” – a second season on the way?

The Star Wars galaxy is holding its breath as rumors about a potential Ahsoka Season 2 announcement swirl around the world. Now, we are eagerly awaiting the official confirmation of the second season, which may bring new secrets, dangers and adventures of this extraordinary Jedi.


Ahsoka with a second season? Such discussions can be heard at Lucasfilm headquarters. The first season ended yesterday, leaving fans wondering if Ahsoka Tano will get another set of adventures on Disney+ . Deadline reports that:

The second season of Ahsoka is a reality, although nothing has been decided yet.

Star Wars: Ahsoka was written by  Dave Filoni, and it looks like this show has really expanded on what it was trying to do with its corner of the Jedi mythos. Grand Admiral Thrawn and Ezra Bridger are back, and that means people want to see more.

Adding to all this intrigue is the obvious fact that Filoni is planning another Star Wars film in the future . You’d think that some of the crumbs he’s implementing now would lead to what he’s planning. (It is speculated that his film has deep ties to the origins of the Jedi , and we’ve been given some plot-related information from The Clone Wars and Star Wars Rebels in episodes on Disney+ .) But even more directly, Ahsoka Tano and Sabine Wren found themselves in a difficult situation and had to will somehow get back into the action. Season 2 would be the easiest way to bring them back into the game.

(Image: Disney+)

Star Wars: Ahsoka is the latest installment in the series owned by Dave Filoni. It was breathtaking to watch a creator leave his mark on Star Wars. Earlier this year, there was some concern that Star Wars: Ahsoka might be too reliant on Star Wars Rebels for new fans. Well, Filoni told Collider that the animated series will be an additional treat for long-time fans of the series, and people who watch the Disney+ series for the first time will be able to easily find themselves in it.

What did Ahsoka do in the new series?

(Image: Disney+)

Fan-favorite Star Wars heroine Ahsoka Tano returns in an all-new series on Disney+. Rosario Dawson plays the titular “snot”. Ahsoka premiered on August 22. The series picks up after the events of The Mandalorian and The Book of Boba Fett , in which we saw the former Jedi searching for Grand Admiral Thrawn (Lars Mikkelsen) and helping Luke Skywalker train Grogu.


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