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Silence, silence … – review of the book “Silence”

Marcin Majchrzak’s Silence is a collection of short stories. Will there be at least one gem among the ten stories?


Compositional buckle

The Silence of Marcin Majchrzak consists of ten stories, the title of which has been divided into two parts to open and close this collection. The longest story takes about thirty pages, while the shortest, Transgresja , only three. Their levels vary, although in my opinion rather closer to the average. None of the stories impressed me much, but on the other hand, neither of them turned out to be a flop. Anthropology was appliedthis is the most interesting story in my opinion. Mainly because of the main character, because we observe the action from the perspective of a paralyzed man lying on a bed. He is unable to contact the hospital staff, all he can do is watch and listen. Worst of all, he sees unusual “guests” wandering around the hospital. The short story called 118 also has an intriguing protagonist who sleepwalks and then feels like doing weird and very bad things. The professor’s experiment is a classic story about a mad scientist and his strange invention. Despite the feeling of a kind of redundancy, I found it very pleasant to read. The author in Fearhe presented in a convincing and skillful way how a dangerous enemy the title fear can be for a human being. On the other hand, reading Love is Burning , as well as A Business Trip , I knew more or less in which direction the plot was going. Just such a motive, I already knew the idea from somewhere.

Intriguing cover

The release, as in the case of the Vesper publishing house, looks very good. The cover is especially eye-catching. It was she who encouraged me to reach for this title. I also like the setting. This book is pleasant to hold in your hands. There are also atmospheric illustrations inside, so the overall edition is at a high level. Nevertheless, in terms of the plot, I expected a bigger surprise. I have to admit one thing – Marcin Majchrzak can be interesting, and his descriptions are intriguing.

Is it worth succumbing to the power of silence?

The silence of Marcin Majchrzak definitely catches the eye thanks to the brilliant cover. As for the content itself, I have mixed feelings. There were some interesting ideas and I enjoyed reading each story. Nevertheless, this collection will not be remembered for long. There is no history here that stands out much above the rest. Nevertheless, one day I will gladly reach for other works by Marcin Majchrzak, because I see a lot of potential and talent here.

Nasza ocena: 7/10

Silence is an average collection of short stories with an intriguing cover.

PLOT: 6/10
Characters: 6/10
STYLE: 0/10
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