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She is Barbie and He is just Ken – a review of the movie “Barbie”

After months of waiting, filled with intensive marketing, I finally had the opportunity to see the new film production from Mattel – Barbie . Since I was a child, I consider myself a big fan of animations about the most popular doll in the world, so reviewing the first live-action film with her in the lead role was quite a challenge.


Who we are?

It’s worth starting with the fact that the new Barbie is not a title for children. Director Greta Gerwig takes us to a pink Barbieland where dolls live. They all hold important positions, win Nobel prizes, organize girls’ nights every night, believing that girls in the real world lead just as easy and carefree lives. From their perspective, everything is perfect.

In the same perfect world, Keny lives in their shadow, who are just an addition to each Barbie doll. I guess every girl who played with them in childhood can confirm that it translates into reality – I don’t know anyone who would buy Ken for a reason other than as a partner for Barbie.

One day, the perfect order in Barbieland is disturbed by a human heroine who has a tragic influence on Stereotypical Barbie – the main character of the film. Barbie needs to get to the human world as soon as possible to fix her everyday life. Ken sets off with her, tired of years spent in the blonde’s friendzone. 

When the heroes reach the human reality, they find out that everything works backwards there. The real world is dominated by patriarchy and women play secondary roles. Barbie finds herself in an existential crisis as she discovers her human nature, and Ken marvels at the male dominance of the world. After all, she doesn’t just feel like an addition to her blonde-haired friend.

The plot of Barbie may seem simple, but in less than two hours it touches on really important topics. It focuses on both women’s and men’s perspectives, boldly criticizing patriarchy. It proves that this is a harmful system for both sexes, while weaving existential dilemmas into the main plot. 

I have to admit that the clichés of life and philosophical reflections on roles in society became tiresome to me by the end of the screening. I also got the impression that Barbie was made by a woman for women – I don’t know how well the male audience will enjoy it.

Still from the Warner Bros. “Barbie” trailer

Mojo Dojo Casa Chata

Barbie is a genuinely funny movie. Dialogues in both language versions are fun, and Ryan Gosling in the role of Ken absolutely rocks, stealing the viewer’s attention non-stop. I feel very stupid, because a few months ago I wrote about the fact that I do not see him in this role at all. However, I take back my words – Gosling is a perfect Ken, whose behavior resembles his prototype from the animation. The actor did a phenomenal job, as did Margot Robbie as Stereotypical Barbie and the rest of the cast. 

Mattel in its own production goes further – it does not avoid jokes and gags about itself, making fun of the very board of the corporation. 

Still from the Warner Bros. “Barbie” trailer

Unique pink and brocade atmosphere

Barbie is a lovely movie. Colorful, rich stage design, contrast between the world of people and the world of Barbie, costumes referring to real dolls – all this adds up to a satisfying whole. It is complemented by good music – the soundtrack to the film was created by many famous pop stars, such as Dua Lipa, Ice Spice or Nicki Minaj (although probably the hearts of the viewers have already been stolen by Ken’s song).

Still from the Warner Bros. “Barbie” trailer


Certainly, many scenes and characters from the new Mattel production will evoke a feeling of nostalgia and longing for childhood in viewers. But here I come to the most important aspect of the whole film for me – how does it relate to the old Barbie animations?

Unfortunately, in this topic I will be ruthless for the new title. The film has nothing to do with old, cult animations. Despite a much larger budget, it does not match them in any respect. The old titles had a much more beautiful, fairy-tale atmosphere, a wiser and more blunt message, embedded in universal values, not to mention the songs that small and large viewers can stick in their heads for years. I wrote about it a few months ago and, as I thought, I was disappointed. It is a pity that the creators went towards the ubiquitous pink and plastic instead of breathtaking fairy-tale lands and universal stories.

Still from the Warner Bros. “Barbie” trailer

I am Kenough

I left the cinema very satisfied – I am glad that Greta Gerwig’s production approached the difficult and controversial topic of the ubiquitous patriarchy and the identity of each individual so bravely. I had a good time throughout the show. Apart from the ending, the movie didn’t drag on and was definitely entertaining to tears. I can recommend it with a pure heart, however, having a certain insufficiency in the back of my mind – the title did not live up to its animated predecessors.

We invite you to the movie Barbie at the Cinema City cinema network !

Nasza ocena: 7/10

Barbie conquers cinemas in an unusual, full of pink style.

PLOT: 7/10
Characters: 8/10
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