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She did it again! – review of the comic book “Brom 2”

The first volume of Brom Unki Odya conquered the Polish comic book scene, winning, among others, award in the Best Polish Album category at the 30th International Festival of Comics and Games in Łódź. The long-awaited second part has its premiere soon, hence the question – will the continuation of the excellent comic book ride a waltz at subsequent festivals?

Looking from the perspective of dialogues and history …

As you can easily guess, Brom develops the story started in the first part, but this time he pays a bit more attention to the intimate threads of the main character. We get to know his family closer, love dilemmas and it must be admitted that Unka Odya writes it all out brilliantly. The whole thing is divided into several chapters, but to be honest, the story presented in this comic absorbed me so much that I hardly paid any attention to the cutscenes (I only stopped at the beautiful illustrations separating the individual chapters). The second volume is definitely longer than its predecessor, but this is only a benefit, because thanks to this the stories we are interested in are even more developed and engaging. The dialogues sound natural and it’s really hard for me to fault anything from this screenwriting side.

Visually it’s also great!

The visual setting is in line with the stories presented. Following the plot, you can sometimes get lethargic by the fairly simple lines that pull the novel forward, but when Odya decides to work on the monsters depicted in the second Bromie in more detail , I could not help but whisper “wow”. It must be remembered that it is very difficult to interest the readers on over 200 pages with just shades of gray, but I am extremely calm about Unki’s skills in this regard. Well, its ability to force the viewer into even the most static frames is truly fascinating.

In conclusion, but hopefully not a series!

I really like the stories discussed in the second Brom , and I especially like the vampire theme, but due to the avoidance of spoilers, I will not tell you more. I can only encourage you to go to Łódź and buy this title as soon as possible. It was not joke. I don’t know why you don’t have tickets yet.


Many thanks to Wydawnictwo 23 for providing the reviewer!

Nasza ocena: 9/10

Great, engaging and brilliantly presented.

PLOT: 10/10
Characters: 9/10
EDITION: 10/10
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