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Scream and think in time! – a review of “Game for Time”

Fast, chaotic, nervous and loud … So, as in the title, there is no time for mistakes or doubts.


A card game for 2-10 players, designed for everyone, forcing us to dexterity and quick thinking? Do you work well under time pressure and can break through in a group? Then this game might be for you!

Think fast, speak loud and don’t hesitate too long!

Well, the game has to offer us cards, the two sides of which act as a game. The green page chooses the main topic for us, on the reverse in black we have to write a word that will apply to a given field, but it is not so easy. We have to enter a word without the desired letter from the alphabet. Theoretically, according to the rules (but we don’t have to follow them, of course) from the pile of cards that lie on the table with the green side turned down, the oldest player reaches for the card and very quickly turns it over to the opposite black side. This has to be done really honestly and skillfully, because procrastination and slow reversal unfairly make it easier for other players to notice and say the word without the letter given faster. Then the person who wins the turn does so.

The fastest player to say the word puts the card next to him. When there is doubt about who was faster, we draw another card from among two or more people, and this time the person who gives the correct word faster receives two cards instead of one! Remember that the given word must be accepted by the rest of the players. In moments of confusion or uncertainty, it is worth seeking information from the Internet whether the given word is consistent with the topic. To make it easier to see, here’s an example:

The card on the green side has the word WORK written on it.
The oldest player turns over this card and it says: NO G

At this point, players can literally name anything that relates to the job and things related to it, but there is no “G” in the name. For example: “ORTHOPEDIST”, “TEACH”, “EASY”, “GOOD” and the like. The scope, as you can see, is huge.

Of course, on the black card it may be written that we have to enter a word starting with the given letter or even ending with it. So it’s not always the same pattern.

Maybe fast, but nervous and stressful…

This is where I think the problem starts. As long as we still play it with two or, for me, a maximum of four people, somehow we are still able to control the din and confusion. I can’t honestly imagine sitting in a game with 10 people and shouting at each other at the same time, and then verifying who was the fastest. When playing with my family, not only did we argue a lot about it, but we imperceptibly moved on to the act of shouting words at each other instead of calmly passing words and ideas. Unfortunately, there were also moments when someone had really original and interesting ideas for a password, but could not give the word as quickly as possible. On the plus side, however, there are moments when a difficult topic is abandoned and the game deprives us of an important letter. Then there is silence and everyone is focused on trying to say something accurate. However, such situations are far too few.

You’ll play it once or twice… unless you have a bad memory

A good memory is the best skill we should enjoy in everyday life. Well, not this time! Unfortunately, returning to this game was disappointing. Even after five days with a friend who was playing a family game, we were bored. The brain likes to work with schemes and subconsciously throws at us what we have already invented. That’s why I can safely say that 90 percent of the time we both started saying the same words, laughing that we were repeating passwords and there was no real point in continuing to play. Bored, we finished the game and I really can’t imagine reaching for this game sooner than in another month. As long as it doesn’t turn out that I start using the same passwords again. Unfortunately, there are only 100 topics. Alternatively, you can start giving words about the topic, but without the letter from another card.

A game for time , i.e. a fast-paced game that gets boring quickly

That’s true. The game helps us exercise our coordination, reflexes, creativity and sharpness. That’s a lot of stuff in such a small product. However, the monotony that sets in so quickly makes the game fun for younger users or people who have no problem admitting that their memory is not very good. On a small plus, I can include here that we do not need much space to play, and the box itself is relatively small and compact. The game can be taken literally anywhere and is very easy to pack.

Nasza ocena: 5/10

Good duo game.

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