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Sad news about the upcoming series “Lando”

Few people cared, even fewer remembered – work on the Lando Carlissian series, announced in 2020, will not be continued.


Those who have been waiting for Donald Glover to give a new depth to the mayor of Cloud City will wait. According to screenwriter Justin Simien, it is not likely that we will see the story of this little-known, but extremely charismatic character.

In an interview with  The Direct , Justin Simien claims that since 2020, when he started writing the story for Lucasfilm , he has not received any response from them. In the same interview, Glover said that he would love to play a lady from the sky city, but you need a good script for that – he doesn’t want to work for money or fame, and he would like to do something he likes.

And that Glover likes this character, we can see from the movie about Han –  Solo.

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