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“Rysiek Super Sparrow” will soon fly into cinemas!

Can a small sparrow compete with a big, strong stork? Yes, provided that it is Rysiek the super sparrow who grew up with the storks and knows all their secrets!


It’s time to end African trills and go home! Sparrow Rysiek, raised by a family of storks, dreams of leading the herd. Unfortunately, this honorable and responsible mission falls to someone else. Rysiek cannot accept this and leaves the herd. Alone, he embarks on a journey full of dangers and adventures. He soon meets the sparrow Sonia, held captive by the greedy peacock Zamano. To free her, our super sparrow must solve the mystery and find the priceless gem. This requires not only a well-coordinated team and mutual trust, but above all the skills acquired from storks. Cleverness and courage will once again help the little sparrows achieve great goals!

Rysiek covered the entire route to the very heart of Africa, and this is quite a feat even for such seasoned travelers as storks! Such a long journey requires courage, experience and mastery in navigation. And now Rysiek the super sparrow is on his way back. How will he do this time? Young viewers will find out on June 16, when Rysiek the super sparrow will fly to our cinemas.

Rysiek the super sparrow in cinemas from June 16!

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