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Run away, hen, from here – review of the game “GTFO”

Remember that one dark level in Star Wars: Republic Commando ? Did you have fun on Left 4 Dead ? Do you have three friends with strong computers, microphones and a bit of cold blood? If so, GTFO is the game for you!

The first thought that comes to mind after starting this game is that TVP is such titles that scare grandmothers and parents, spreading theories about the harmfulness of this form of entertainment. It is dark, the player feels hemmed in, and does not understand the reason and purpose of the mission. We only know that we are prisoners, and in a typical science fiction way, our self is transported into the body of some unfortunate man. We have to find the artifact and, by the way, we discover more secrets of the research facility filled with monsters. Opponents resemble a cross between zombies, nightmares, monsters from The Last of Us and Resident Evil Vtaken together. The sparingly served plot does not spoil the searching of the rooms in the not-so-much-abandoned complex in the twilight, on the contrary, the farther into this gloomy forest, the more interesting it gets.

At least 4 feet

We have as many as ten extensive levels to overcome, and most of them take about half an hour to survive. The actual time spent in the corridors and caves of each level is even longer, especially since checkpoints are rare, the difficulty level is high, and a location that has already been started must be completed if you do not want to lose progress. You should travel through the locations very carefully – they are extensive, and the directions for our route are given to us very subtly – you should look for signs on the walls, enter commands into the terminals you encounter (which in a stressful situation can be difficult) and carefully study the inscriptions on the doors, otherwise we can start wandering around the map, and then we even ask to be sent to the home screen by the horde of bloodthirsty zombies.

The luck in the misfortune is that after arriving at this main screen, we can better prepare for the next approach. Knowing the dangers that await us, we can adapt our equipment in many ways – we have a choice of twenty different guns (ten basic and “special”). one of the four melee weapons and, more interestingly, we take one of the six tools with us on a mission. Among them, we can choose a cannon (automatic, serial or sniper), a motion sensor, mines or a foam projector. Especially the last one is surprisingly useful – “freezing” enemies or strengthening doors.

I’m gonna give him a chicken

The dynamics of the levels is changeable, but (brutally) simplifying, we go through successive locations in order to stand in front of the “gate” from time to time, the opening of which will trigger an alarm. In the case of smaller rooms, we most often go goose with the flashlights turned off, eliminating the potential resistance with a melee weapon that does not arouse the suspicions of nearby zombies. In the case of the aforementioned gates, however, we have to prepare that after initiating the opening procedure, a whole bunch of monsters will fall into the place. Players have to stand in the right places near the gate until the door can finally be opened. Technically, breaking the horde is not required to open the door, but in practice the fight is so addictive and violent that you hardly think of a pacifist solution to the situation. In addition, securing your back is highly recommended. because opening the door and meeting a few more monsters can be disastrous. Hence, the recommended form of fun is joint, four-person expeditions – in my opinion, the horde did not take into account the number of players – when playing three, there were as many monsters on the map as in the case of complete expeditions. Fortunately, potential companions are easy to find.

See brother-in-law what a franca

I had a lot of fun online. The atmosphere of the game favors the feeling of fighting for survival, not only with friends, but also with random users – I found people who were determined and willing to cooperate, who were willing to share resources and it was easy to establish a brotherhood in arms. Lonely adventurers can find companions to play together in two ways – through matchmaking on Steam or by visiting a dedicated Discord channel. As we discover the secrets of the research facility together, the atmosphere of threat increases, so we kept asking ourselves naturally overwhelming questions: “what’s going on?”, “Why is this huge artifact in the middle of the room supposed to serve?”, “Whose voice is on the recording?” etc. GTFOdespite the unfriendly title, it has a very open community and I never once sabotaged the game together, despite the friendly fire present here.

It’s beautiful, it’s beautiful

Even loners can play GTFO thanks to the December update, which brought the game out of a long period of early access . Bots have been added to the title, which, like in Left 4 Deadare competent enough not to get in our way. Virtual travel companions can even keep a cool head and follow us in choosing the weapon we use – when we sneak up to eliminate an opponent blocking our route, we can sneak up on him with melee weapons without any problems, without fear that the bots will start firing automatic weapons waking up all the monsters around you. Overall, the game is in good technical condition after its premiere – the only drawback I have encountered is the appearance of the game at the lowest possible resolution, as while using it I had difficulty using the indispensable part of the game – the terminals encountered along the route.


GTFO surprised me – I heard about this game, but I did not expect that despite the repulsive aesthetics of Dead Space, I will lose myself completely in it. After the first unsuccessful approaches, when something clicked at last, I wanted to wander the corridors, discovering the secrets of an abandoned research facility. It is not a title for everyone, but if you are a fan of demanding co-op games and you still hesitate whether GTFO is worth the price, I would like to dispel your doubts – buy and play!

Nasza ocena: 8/10

The best spiritual heir to Left 4 Dead . A treat for teams of four and fans of difficult, cooperative games.

SOUND: 8/10
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