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Review of the game “Pencil Nose”

Draw me like you used to draw French girls… with your nose, ” Roza tells Jacek during a kayaking trip.


Pencil Nose is a pun-type game: we divide into two teams, in each of them one person draws in turn, and the others guess. However, we have a difficult task – we draw on a plate made of transparent plastic, using a dry-erase marker, which is mounted on special glasses frames.

The goal of the game is to score 10 points as a team – cards that we get for winning rounds of duels. The person from the first team draws first. He puts on special glasses, draws a card with six words, flips the hourglass and begins to draw. Within 60 seconds, her team must guess as many drawn words as possible. The other team then tries to beat this score in a similar way. The team that guesses more words will keep their card. We play until one of the teams gets 10 cards.

The game box includes 110 cards with passwords, an hourglass and elements for drawing: a window board, glasses with an eraser, a marker and an eraser, as well as a set of marker adapters that will allow you to use other markers when the ink in the first one runs out will finish.

Pencil Nose offers fast and intense gameplay – in the time limit we draw and guess a few words, then the second team plays, and we have a moment’s break. And then it’s our turn again. This means that we are able to finish the full game in a maximum of half an hour, regardless of the number of players. It is worth mentioning here that the game also includes rules for a duel for three people.

The gameplay itself is not very exciting. The idea of ​​drawing with the nose is quickly verified by the usefulness of this solution. It is very difficult to make a clear sketch of something more complicated than a house or a tree. In our games, there were games where within a minute it was impossible to draw and guess not a single word from the card, and only a couple of times it was possible to reach the result of 4 words. In addition, the coordination of the glasses with the marker and the slate caused a lot of problems for the children.

To sum up, Pencil Nose presents an interesting pun formula that runs out a little too quickly. It can be successfully combined with other games of this type to introduce variety.

Nasza ocena: 6/10

Pencil Nose presents an interesting pun formula that runs out a little too quickly.

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