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Remember what you wish – “Wonder Woman 1984” DVD Review

High hopes were placed on the latest production about Diana, the Amazonian princess. The constant postponement of the premiere, as well as the rather mediocre plot convention compared to the first part meant that the film did not live up to the expectations of the fans, but it was nevertheless appreciated by the critics. Is this image really so strange that you can love it or hate it?

1984 Orwellian

Why was this year chosen? According to director Patty Jenkins, this was a period when the United States experienced many internal tensions. It is also worth considering the reference to Orwell’s work, in which the lives of individuals are subordinated to the all-powerful state power. It is similar in the film I am reviewing – under the guise of a powerful force that fulfills the wishes of Maxwell Lord, people’s lives are subordinated to him. The 1980s were reproduced with great accuracy and I have nothing to complain about. We see “combed” hairstyles, colorful clothes, low-quality Hi-Fi equipment and color cathode ray tube televisions. A real magic of the penultimate decade of the 20th century, enhanced with many colors of that period.

The very script of this comic book adaptation is a fairly simple story about dealing with trauma after the loss of a loved one, which can be seen in the example of the main character, Diana. Other themes in the film’s narrative include the issue of social rejection, the never-ending struggle between good and evil, and the issue of wishes. Many times we congratulate ourselves on something thoughtlessly, and when our dream comes true, we are overwhelmed by its consequences. This can be seen in the example of the main antagonist – Maxwell Lord, who, falling into the middle of a desire for profit, loses what is most important.


A galaxy of stars without going crazy

The weakest side of the film, apart from the gaps and certain debts, are the actors. On the screen you can see that Kristen Wiig is trying very, really, but creating a duo will hurtwith Pascal, they cannot harmonize to charm the viewer. There is also less chemistry between Pin and Gadot, although they are a class better than Pascal and Wiig. What can I say, the main relationships between the characters in the film are overshadowed by unnecessary travel around the world and the mediocre building of the reality in which the characters move (thanks to a few shots and a few texts, we know what Diana did for years after World War I or why she decided to ignore global horror films, but it is not compositional consistently). In the comics, Diana forms an interesting bond with Barbara. The work of an archaeologist and obsession with the Amazons is an intriguing addition to their friendship. Little of it was carried over into the movie. The sequel continues the series’ passionate streak, but without a stronger narrative, it feels undeserved and, worse, calculated only for profit. Gal Gadot undoubtedly remains an affectionate character in the series, and Chris Pine does his best to convince the viewer that we are still dealing with a gentleman from the early 20th century. It makes sense that Steve and Diana stand up against Barbara and Maxwell who have a strong need to dominate. But why has no one been interested in the best aspect of the story, the Amazons? Why bring Robin Wright back if he doesn’t appear in the following scenes of the movie? With the full power of a modern Hollywood camera and an undefined amount of money, is it really the best we can get? The film is offensive by offering scraps and forcing us to pretend that it is a full-fledged work. In fact, you can really accuse him of a lot, although the very concept of telling a story is really interesting. Potential wasted.


Całkiem udane wydanie DVD

O ile ta produkcja może się podobać lub nie, to trzeba mieć też na uwadze jakość wydania DVD. Tym razem płyta może poszczycić się w pełni zdubbingowaną wersją filmu, gdzie usłyszymy głosy takich aktorów jak: Olga Bołądź, Kamil Kula, Katarzyna Kwiatkowska czy Michał Konarski. O ile pierwsze dwójka (Gal Gadot i Chris Pine) odpowiada mi swoją barwą głosu, tak Michał Konarski robi wszystko, by sprostać roli Pedro Pascala. Niestety nie udaje się to. Niemniej jednak całość ścieżki dubbingu oceniam naprawdę wysoko.

Kolejnym atutem wydania DVD jest dodatek, dzięki któremu poznajemy jedną ze scen w centrum handlowym. Widzimy, jak wiele wysiłku musiała włożyć Gal Gadot, aby zaprezentować różne ruchy w sekwencjach walki oraz podczas podniebnych skoków.

The Wonder Woman 84 DVD is probably the best thing that happened to this film in Poland. Why? Due to the missing dubbing, which was only presented to viewers with the release of the latest DC image on optical disc.

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