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Release date for “Bioshock 4” surfaced?

Źródło: materiały promocyjne Irrational Games. Zmodyfikowane przez: OIaf Bober

Players in love with the Bioshock game series have been waiting for years for the continuation of the adventure. The long silence of developers does not portend anything good, and the latest ‘leak’ of information seems to confirm this state of affairs.

The new game from the cult Bioshock series – now marked number four by fans – was first announced almost 4 years ago, on December 9, 2019. The title was announced by publisher 2K and the newly established Cloud Chamber studio. In other words, a completely new team – without the involvement of the creator of the universe, Ken Levine – took on the challenge of resurrecting a series of games beloved by players. Already during the first announcement, it was emphasized that work on the game would take ‘another few years’. Well, several years have passed since then and we still haven’t received any official information. On the other hand, rumors and unofficial reports began to circulate on the Internet that Cloud Chamber was struggling with major problems.

The latest news comes not from the studio, but from Mack Sztab, a senior concept artist from the Cloud Chamber team. As ComicBook managed to record , the artist’s Artstation showed that he was working on a new Bioshock and next to it the year 2028. It was quickly changed to 2023, but not before the Internet kept track.

A fragment of the gameplay of “Bioshock 2”. Irrational Games

If this strange turn of events is to be believed, the studio is currently going through some serious crisis, and Bioshock 4 has probably been started from scratch. If 2028 is indeed the year of release, this would mean that the game will be released as much as 9 years after the announcement of the work. It is common knowledge that every year the gaming industry creates more and more ambitious, complex and simply larger projects, which naturally also require more time for preparation. However, 9 years of work on one title is a long time even today.

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